What is Modern Arnis?

That is VERY interesting!! Thank you.
Something that my old instructor told me YEARS ago that made this all the more interesting.............please help confirm if you can, or just shoot it down if it's not accurate:
Prof. Wally Jay and SGM Ed Parker Sr. were good friends, both having grown up "In the islands" so to speak. I've always heard that Ed Parker's instructor, Mr. Chow, had studied Danzan Ryu Jujutsu under Mr. Okazaki and that this is where American Kenpo derives so much of it's "Jujutsu" background.

So...if Wally Jay and Ed Parker Sr. were good friends, and Wally Jay and Mr. Presas were good friends......... is there much of a connection (systemic) between the three arts. I guess the connection between Modern Arnis and SCJ is pretty clear, so then a better question might be....is there a systemic relationship between American Kenpo and Modern Arnis? ((By saying "systemic" I'm making a differetiation between the personalities "Ed Parker & Remy Presas"...and talking about the arts that are their brain-children))


Your Brother
DrBarber said:
Professor had and used jiu-jitsu references prior to meeting and working as part of a trio with Professor Wally Jay. What I saw over time was a slimming down and tightening of his jiu-jitsu work within Modern Arnis. In effect Professor tightened the circles and closed down the potential areas for escape that "might have" existed as he was setting the lock, because of his working with Professor Jay.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Professor ECC

I belive Dr. B is correct on this point. However, the influence of Wally J as a training partner and a friend can not be underestimated. Professor thought highly of him.
I have been reading through these posts & learning a lot.
IM curious as to who were Remys Instructors in Judo & Karate?
It seems that many practitioners learned something different from

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