What IĀ’ve learned about rope

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Over the past couple of years I have learned that generally when you think you are at the end of your ropeĀ…there appears to be a whole lot more rope you did not know was thereĀ… but I think this weekend I may have finally come to the end of mineĀ…or I at least hope I am because damn it I want to start the climb back up it and quit sliding down it.

Just needed to get the off my chest

You and me both, my friend. All I can send to help is my sympathies but sometimes just knowing that someone else 'knows' can be of assistance.
We're here for you, whenever you want to share your troubles. Sometimes that helps even if nobody can think of good advice.
When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and swing :D

:hmm: Now there is something I had not thought about..... I LIKE IT
Usually when I near the end of a rope a new one appears! ;)

That has been the case with me of late as wellĀ… it is just it keeps appearing at the end of the rope I am currently on :tantrum: Ā… :hmm:I got to start looking for another rope :supcool:
Speaking of rope, as I dangle here at the end if mine I realized that I have not had any time to train anything since last Friday.

So I stopped everything here a few moments ago, closed the office door and did a warm up that is a combination of what I have learned from Yang and Chen Style Taijiquan with a bit of my old Xingyiquan warm-up thrown in just cuz.

I then did Chen style Chansigong, the stationary bits.

A bit of qigong and then Siu Nim Tao and I have to admit I feel a whole lot more relaxed dangling at the end of my rope.
As I dangle here at the end of my rope I have also learned that there are those that want to add more rope so I can fall further….. I have also learned my feet are free so I think I will kick at them for a bit to see how they like it

I also found some great pictures of places I have been (I did not take these) that are making things a bit more comfortable and relaxing here and the ropes end



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