What I like about TKD


Senior Master
These are some things that I like TKD they are not in a particular order.

1.-Real blows.- Yes I know what is been hitted by a nice kick or fist, TKD can be pretty dangerous if done correctly.
2.-The feeling of honnor,pride and respect I have everytime I wear my dobok and belt.
3.-The joy I feel when the little ones bow at me everitime I get inside dojang.
4.-The joy I get when the little ones and their parents say hellow shake hands at me in the street.
5.-The joy I feel when I teach self defense,poomsae or kyumpa.
6.-The joy I feel when I give all in a trainng session.
7.-Takingout all the good inside the pupils on and out the class.
8.-How my family (wife,daughters,mother) feel about me doing what I really love.
9.-Taking care of the children inside the mat and inside the tournament court.
10.-Give me all when I teach.

I can go on and on but I think this is why I love TKD and the martial arts in general.

I liked that for one to two hours a day, 5 sometimes 6 days a week, Taekwondo would take my mind off of my mundane daily tasks, deadlines and stresses, and just take me away. I left all of that superfluous Bovine Scatology outside my dojang. I trained so stinkin' hard in my TKD during that time, to the point of extreme exhaustion. I then went home and felt so much better and relaxed.

That's what I liked about Taekwondo.
Great thread Manny..

I don't study TKD but I like reading what people have to say about loving the arts.
I liked that for one to two hours a day, 5 sometimes 6 days a week, Taekwondo would take my mind off of my mundane daily tasks, deadlines and stresses, and just take me away. I left all of that superfluous Bovine Scatology outside my dojang. I trained so stinkin' hard in my TKD during that time, to the point of extreme exhaustion. I then went home and felt so much better and relaxed.

That's what I liked about Taekwondo.

This is very similar to my own feelings toward Taekwondo, now. In my 30+ years of training, I've gone through a lot of changes about the "why" of it for me. I love teaching as well....much more than I ever thought I would. Taekwondo isn't just for me any longer. Giving what I've learned to another generation is fantastic. I should have started teaching a lot sooner than I did.