What has been pulled out of a gi at your school?


Green Belt
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga, USA
What have you seen pull out of a student's gi during class? It seems to be mostly children who enjoy doing this. At my school there has been cookies, pens and pencils, toys... what about your school?
This was in the 90's, in my younger days...

I didn't have to pull it out. Some kid had a large square of padding covering most of his torso, figuring that since it was kumite day, he could get a bit of an advantage here.

That advantage turned into a handicap, when we started the first part of class with a spirited, intense warmup session. He yanked the pad out of his gi top after 20 minutes, since he was already developing a rash as a result of it.
Back in the day I had a pair of boxers come out of a pant leg when I kicked. I didn't even notice that they got stuck in their when I pulled em out of the dryer just before class. Let's say that my teacher was like " damn boy , you are snapping those kicks hard !!!! HAHA
We had a 15 year old student who took the discipline of class very seriously. He made me feel like a Marine Drill instructor with his loud, "yes sir" for everything. Nothing was ever out of place for him. He'd never complain. I think he thought it was dispectful to do so.

At his first belt test, he was READY & serious. He was doing down blocks. All of a sudden, he got this odd look on his face...but kept going. He'd uncomfortably adjust his uniform. As he performed his last (really hard) down block, his cup came out of the opening of his uniform & fell to the ground!

He finally lightened up when we all nearly fell on the ground laughing so hard.
Man, if a kid pulled a toy out of their uniform during class, I would have to tell the parent to bring the kid back in a few years.

I was trying to make up something clever but you beat me with the funnier truth

Honestly, it took me a few minutes to realize that that was what it was.
I'm such a dork that my first thought was"That's a cool water bottle, it kinda looks like a flask..."

I've gotten a bit quicker in my age.
Who in the world would think to have anything in their gi?? In all the time I've trained, I never stuck anything in my gi top, except maybe my mouthpc. before sparring. I guess with the lil ones, the parents who dress their kids must be reminded of a lil thing called discipline!
We don't use Gi's but one of my students one time wore a shirt but it looked funny, when I went to raise his shirt he had folded a few shirts and placed them on the front, sides, and back and then wrapped them with saran wrap...lol
We don't use Gi's but one of my students one time wore a shirt but it looked funny, when I went to raise his shirt he had folded a few shirts and placed them on the front, sides, and back and then wrapped them with saran wrap...lol

Was he trying to use it as a weight loss device? Or was he trying to use it as protection?
About 6 months ago I noticed a young man throwing some wierd punches and he was not anchoring his elbows. I went to push the elbow down and heard a loud POP. He has a transformer tucked in somewhere hahahaha.

I about lost it (laughing) but we had a talk about bringing transformers to class.