What happened to the pictures?

I was promised picture, dagnabbit! Breach of contract! Bait and switch! Chutes and Ladders! Woops...that's something else entirely :D

Pics are still on my camera...with the crap with my eye, i kinda forgot. Sorry guys, I'll get em up this weekend. Promise. :)
Ok....here ya go. :) Heres 4 pics of Gou, Renegade and Big Guy, in actual combat footage. Shortly after these pictures were taken, we staged a raid on a local drinking establishment and bravely held off several Cool Ones. Gou "The Resourceful" managed to locate a native food known as the "Pea=knut" which helped sustain us in our fierce battle. :rofl:




Not only can I fight but I can forage too!

I didn't get the blonde though...:rofl:

Anyway, in this first photo you can see me sneaking up on Renegade.
The last photo is me backing him up after he convinced me that I'd have a better chance fighting the other guys rather than him.
...sounded good at the time...
That Gou practically disapeared behind the bag. :rofl:

Gou you gotta bulk up my dear. That pic makes you look like you 4ft nuthin' and a stiff wind could blow you over.

Funny pictures guys!! Looks like you were really training hard!!! ;)
I'm fine.
Don't drag me to your potato chip world there missy!