What drew you to Systema, ROSS or some other Russian style


Master Black Belt
Jan 26, 2002
Reaction score
Thornton, Colorado
What was it that got you interested in Russian training?

For me it was purely coincidence. My instructor teaches Kenpo and that's why I went to him. I had no idea what Systema was so I had to research it on the internet, then I got to watch some of his classes. It looked strange seeing them falling down all the time but I found it interesting none the less. Now a few months later I'm glad to have started training in it I find the ideas of protection very interesting and look forward to more.

I read about Systema on one of the UBB boards about a year and a half ago. Got really interested and sent off for the Master of Fighting video....the rest is history.
Thought the video I saw was pretty funny really.

2 1/2 years later I got to work with Martin Wheeler, he changed my mind very quickly!
I feel I better understand how to breath, and am much more relaxed now.
There are some ideas with it I still want to explore, and will have more to say later.
gou and myself started doing sytema because of a little white lie gou told,but im sure he could fill you all in.
I moved to Manchester and checked out a load of martial arts classes, all styles, just looking for a good teacher and a system that I felt comfortable with. Matt Clempner was far and away the best teacher, and ROSS just gets more fun with experience!
Originally posted by jaybacca72
gou and myself started doing sytema because of a little white lie gou told,but im sure he could fill you all in.
later jay:eek:

You just HAD to bring that up didn't you?

I was working out at this school and the guy who ran it was always name dropping. One day I had enough and when he said he knew this guy who had trained with Vlad I said I had seen Vlad too just to call him on it and see what he did. Of course the subject got dropped pretty quick.

So I called Jaybacca up and said that we had to go see this Vlad guy or I would be a liar. Although Jaybacca thought I was crazy we went and checked him out and I have been hooked ever since.
Or you might still be there at SSMMA today!!

:D ;)
What would you be doing if not Systema?

or ROSS?

This goes for everyone, not just Gou.
(but he better answere too, there is a quiz next week you know)
Originally posted by Roland
What would you be doing if not Systema? or ROSS?
This goes for everyone, not just Gou.
(but he better answere too, there is a quiz next week you know)

Man, I won't even study for a urine test.

But in reality I would have gone back to boxing, which I had been recently, and might be again, and I would be doing the whole ground thing. Which I am.
I was drawn to Systema because I was interested in Martial Arts (having only very limited exposure to them), but more importantly because I used to study Russian culture, as I had worked as a Russian translator (I'm ashamed to admit that I can barely speak it now! :idunno: ).

I met Arthur, my instructor, but didn't actually start coming to classes for a year. I'm glad I did now.

If I wasn't doing Systema?... I'd be investing in lots of ammo.

Some good honest answeres.

Thank you all for posting!

I happened to be on a forum for Jun Fan and was lucky enough to have someone get in touch with me and give me some connections in the area. I happened to call up Al McLuckie and started with him. I train with Al when I can, and when I am at school, train with a great instructor in FMA and JKD.
I joined because of the black bat sign would look so cool on my T-Shirt.

(And after studying Ninjitsu for a looooong time - I need to move to another MA that 'did what it said on the tin'....)
