What do you think?


White Belt
I am new to posting and stuff on the forums so please go easy on me and i am not here to rub anyone up the wrong way.I am going to join kamon wing chun in my area in a couple of weeks time as i was impressed by the class i watched a couple of days ago,as i want to learn wing chun martial art to be able to defend myself and family from attack in the increasingly violent world in which we live.Also to channel my energies,focus and learn.Also to meet people and have a bit of fun.I know effort and some hard work are in order to achieve in almost anything that you do.so my point is i picked up a leaflet today and went checked out this website and although it hasn,t changed my mind the site all sounds very impressive.I may be a little naive as i have not started anything yet but am just interested that you could learn an effective self defence in a short space of time.I am in no way slating this site or anything just seeing what others views of it are.Thanks daz

Rapid Self Defence Systems is unique in that you will be taught the techniques that many styles of martial arts reserve for their 'Black Belt' students who have been training for years. They believe that someone should have a real understanding of the dangers of these techniques before they are taught them.

This is where I would hesitate . . . there are no "secret moves" that are taught to black belts only - at least none that I've seen, and I'm about to test for my 2nd degree black. Every move that we require of the Black belts was taught to them by their 1st year. Punches, kicks, blocks, etc are still your basic foundation. Black belts have only been doing those foundational moves for several years, as opposed to several months.

Repetition is the key -- I could teach all of my black belt moves in 6 weeks, too, but you won't have repeated them enough to get them properly ingrained in your muscle memory, and it takes repetition to fine-tune your timing so that you can get the maximum speed and energy-transfer down properly.

Also, don't forget that in a fight, you need to be focused on what the other guy is doing, and not on yourself. Learning to read and react to your opponent takes a lot of time, and is a whole other part of MA to knowing "black belt techniques."

It took me about a year and a half before I felt confident in actually using my karate skills in a violent confrontation, and then only the simple ones, and only against someone who didn't also know karate. Now I am more confident in who I could engage, but still I would only rely on the really simple stuff, such as low kicks to the knees or groin, basic jabs and punches, and some "sneaky" techniques like eye-gouges and groin punches.

The other "extra" stuff is only useful when you can't use the basic stuff for some reason -- usually because you've already made a mistake, and need to try something unusual to save yourself.
what may be secret in one system is open knowledge in another, at least most of the time.
Almost any study of the martial arts is helpful to all.
Take time to visit the school you intend on joining and ask questions of the instructor and other students befor starting. You know what you are looking for so try to make sure the school you join meets your requirements.
As for techniques that are shown to black belts only, well, in some systems there may be advanced techniques but they still involve kicking and punching most of the time and with out understanding basics how can one understand advanced techniques
what may be secret in one system is open knowledge in another, at least most of the time.
Almost any study of the martial arts is helpful to all.
Take time to visit the school you intend on joining and ask questions of the instructor and other students befor starting. You know what you are looking for so try to make sure the school you join meets your requirements.
As for techniques that are shown to black belts only, well, in some systems there may be advanced techniques but they still involve kicking and punching most of the time and with out understanding basics how can one understand advanced techniques

This right here is sound advise from a very well known person.
Hello, Rapid self defense is heading in the right direction to learn self defense. It should be something anyone can learn in a short time and use it to defend themselves. Learning to poke someone in the eyes should not take years to learn!

Most martial arts teach the same things. What white belts learn is really black belt material in most systems. You need to learn all the basics of punching/kicking/blocking and striking first before you can progress successfully.

Some where in between one class seminar of self-defense and years of training should be a type of self-defense that would work for most people.

Learning to be a fighter and learning self-defense is two different things.

Most police officers are able to learn enough techniques that works in a very short time? Can we do it too?

Aloha, Learning to run? ...is natural...to be a professioal may take years...