What am I allowed to post?

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Orange Belt
Jun 22, 2009
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I have written a book. I would like to give away copies to the community in return for testimonials.

I dont want to break any forum rules so just thought Id ask if this was ok first. And if so, what is the best place to post it in

The topic of the book is street fighting.


I have written a book. I would like to give away copies to the community in return for testimonials.

I dont want to break any forum rules so just thought Id ask if this was ok first. And if so, what is the best place to post it in

The topic of the book is street fighting.


I've sent a message to the powers that be to answer your question here. I'm sure you'll get a response within the next 24 hours.

Great question!
The easy answer is: become a supporting member. Supporting members can (amoung other benefits) post advertisements.

And if you looking for people to review your book, I'd be happy to volunteer.
Post a press release in the News area and you'll be ok rules-wise
Does it have to be a proper press release? Can I just post that I want reveiwers in exchange for testimonials and leave it like that.. ie short and simple?
Does it have to be a proper press release? Can I just post that I want reveiwers in exchange for testimonials and leave it like that.. ie short and simple?
I see what you're doing..asking the proper way to ask for reviewers/testimonials in a way that lets everyone know what you want so you dont have to worry about asking correctly...sneaky sneaky...:lookie:
I see what you're doing..asking the proper way to ask for reviewers/testimonials in a way that lets everyone know what you want so you dont have to worry about asking correctly...sneaky sneaky...:lookie:

He's Clever this one :)
I see what you're doing..asking the proper way to ask for reviewers/testimonials in a way that lets everyone know what you want so you dont have to worry about asking correctly...sneaky sneaky...:lookie:

That wasnt my intention. I just want to know if I have to write a full on press release or not... because thats alot more work than just asking outright.
Becoming a supporting member isn't much work at all.
And being a Lifetime Supporting Member is wicked easy. Plus you get to support a seriously cool martial arts web site :) :)
You can just do whatever writeup you like and post in the news/press release area.

But I'd still encourage you to become a Supporting Member. :)
You can just do whatever writeup you like and post in the news/press release area.

But I'd still encourage you to become a Supporting Member. :)

Pretty much. Most press releases are short, they just follow a basic pattern with some contact info at the bottom. I just suggest the PR format as some of the search bots that index us look for those specifically. Regular announcements good too. :)
I recently published a martial arts book as well, and was wondering the same thing about submitting it for reviews without being banned as a spammer. Thanks for this thread!
Thought I'd comment here, again...

Please consider registering as a Supporting Member. It'll help keep the site running.
I recently published a martial arts book as well, and was wondering the same thing about submitting it for reviews without being banned as a spammer. Thanks for this thread!

You can post a press release in the news area.

If you're participating in the forum discussions, sharing information, being social, etc, it goes a long way towards not being looked at as spammy, compared to someone who pops in and just seems to make every post about "buy my book/video/shirt/new head thumping stick" :)

Check out the ad sections. Some of those may be open to you as well. A Supporting membership opens all of them for posting. Current rate is $21.95 for the year, but I believe a 30 day trial is available for $5.
You can post a press release in the news area.

If you're participating in the forum discussions, sharing information, being social, etc, it goes a long way towards not being looked at as spammy, compared to someone who pops in and just seems to make every post about "buy my book/video/shirt/new head thumping stick" :)

Check out the ad sections. Some of those may be open to you as well. A Supporting membership opens all of them for posting. Current rate is $21.95 for the year, but I believe a 30 day trial is available for $5.


Thanks for the tip. I was posting on the boards a few weeks ago, but every one I am interested in seems to have gone dead. Oh what the heck...I will start posting again and maybe kick some life back into them.
We go through cycles, and anyone willing to kick things back up is very welcome here. :)
It takes time, sometimes a long time, sometimes it doesn't take. But Sometimes it does :) and it's appreciated!