What a week!

Markku P

Blue Belt
First I lost the breaks in my car and I had to cancel some of our classes. The good news is that I got my car fixed the next day. Then Wednesday, our son hurt his leg and we had to stay 4 hours in the hospital. The doctors checked him, took X-rays but didn't find anything. By the way, it's not an easy job to take X-rays from a 14 month old boy! A good thing is, that health care for a child is free here. In some other countries, this might be quite expensive.

Now Dexter has some difficulties walking but we will see in few days what happens.
With my own Taekwondo training I have to keep taking breaks. I have hurt my knee so no kick training at all for me although I have done some poomsae training which I had a good time doing.

I have been watching Taekwondo shows on Youtube and Facebook and I must say, I have become quite depressed; I think we are showing ourselves in a bad light. People are putting "knock out" videos or some crazy "jumping kicks" videos online. The problem with this is that it is not our reality. What we do in our training is totally different.

But does a big audience believe that? Perhaps we should think more about what we show online?

/Markku P.
Well, knock outs do exist in Taekwondo, we are an impact martial art, it's the purpouse of our strikes. And as for the jump kicks, Taekwondo has been known for its fast and agile kicks, so it doesn't really turn away from what we are supposed to do. Unless you are talking about a more modern sport oriented view, but the way I see it that is just one of the sides of it. I'm not sure there is a problem with such videos.
The thing is, the Sport aspect of TKD is popular viewing.
Not-Kicksport is to TKD what Empty Hands is to alot of FMA.

Unfortunately, alot of people do believe it, because They havent been shown otherwise enough to make it clear that most Dojang really do teach alot of other stuff, and that Tournament Training is seperate to Normal Training.

It doesnt need to be represented differently, there just needs to be more representation of the other stuff.