What A Man!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
In the middle of a full scale riot this guy with his girlfriend is just watching (?) the activities. Riot police knock her down and he falls on top of her to protect her... he kisses her to help calm her down knowing how scared she is... at least that's their story. Still, a photographer caught what is now an iconic photograph of the two in the middle of that now famous kiss.
Read the story/see video


When I first saw this pic couple days ago I thought at first it's either faked or these folks just didn't give a damn about what was happening around them... but reading the story made it a lot better.
A man protects the woman he loves and comforts her.
Gotta love it baby.


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You know the thing is ... thanks to this guy... every woman is going to want that... or ... did they want that already... just couldn't find it?
Surely that's not a bad thing, mate?

I know for my missus, set-backs (admittedly a lot less bad than being knocked over by riot police) are made to disappear for her with a few moments snuggled up to me. That's not because I'm some uber version of man, it's just an aspect of how she 'works' emotionally. It lets her know that I care and, if required, I'll do what I can to sort the problem out. That seems to be all she needs to get back up-and-at-'em once again.

We can't speak for all men and women obviously :lol:.
You know the thing is ... thanks to this guy... every woman is going to want that... or ... did they want that already... just couldn't find it?

Nah, jerks will still find plenty of girls...just the regular good guys have the bar raised now ;)
What's really sad... is that women still can't figure out how to tell the good guys from the jerks.

At least, not before hand.
What's really sad... is that women still can't figure out how to tell the good guys from the jerks.

At least, not before hand.

Nah, they pretty much know from the get go.
Only, in the beginning they are still 10 foot tall and bullet proof and can fix him with luv.....
What's really sad... is that women still can't figure out how to tell the good guys from the jerks.

At least, not before hand.

That's a massive generalisation! I have a great many friends who have been married for years to good men, my daughter has a very good man and I know plenty more good men. My good man, I've been married to since 1976. Before that I went out with good guys as did my friends.
That's a massive generalization! I have a great many friends who have been married for years to good men, my daughter has a very good man and I know plenty more good men. My good man, I've been married to since 1976. Before that I went out with good guys as did my friends.
Aye I've many (female) friends who struck gold first time around and a great deal more who struck out twice before finding gold. But a majority that I've met (tried to date) have been suspicious of my polite manners, gentlemanly demeanor, respect and honest confidence because the last guy turned out to be a jerk after she committed to him. So suspicion leads to this generalization.

How many women are nodding their heads at this (drawing) right now? (don't take me too seriously Tez ... I write mostly tongue in cheek luv.)


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