What a diference.....


Senior Master
Last night went to the Only Kenpo Class and I liked a lot, we focus in Kenpo techs, no kick boxing drills, no grapling drills just pure Kenpo. Sensei teach me 3 techs: 1.-Delayed Sword, 2.-Alternating Maces and 2.-Deflecting Hammer.

Sensei saw my ejecution and correct me some points.

Ireally lie the Kenpo, it's so fast andstraight, I liked the hands movements, the cinergy and momentum of the upper body, the low kicks.

Well I really like the class.

Yes Kenpo seesm to be something different, sometimes I forgot to check and this is important to feel what can be coming from our oponent and anticipate it.

I don't know how is sparring indide Kenpo, cause the olly spoarring I get used to is the WTF TKD style so don't know how harsh kenpo sparring can be, also don't know the rules so I think I will figure out wiht time.

well, fighting is fighting, but here is what you can expect.

lots of close in hand work. Kicks are used more as an entry device. Not as many head kicks, if any. oh, and most Kenpo schools are quite fond of groin kicks.

keep your hands up, and be prepared for someone to get inside your kicking range and try to stay there.
Last night went to the Only Kenpo Class and I liked a lot, we focus in Kenpo techs, no kick boxing drills, no grapling drills just pure Kenpo. Sensei teach me 3 techs: 1.-Delayed Sword, 2.-Alternating Maces and 2.-Deflecting Hammer.

Sensei saw my ejecution and correct me some points.

Ireally lie the Kenpo, it's so fast andstraight, I liked the hands movements, the cinergy and momentum of the upper body, the low kicks.

Well I really like the class.


Happy that you like kenpo,but you said "it's so fast andstraight"
kenpo is not straight,i see that you just started kenpo,with the 1st 3 tecq,of yellow belt,after a while you will see what i mean,but have a great journey.
Happy that you like kenpo,but you said "it's so fast andstraight"
kenpo is not straight,i see that you just started kenpo,with the 1st 3 tecq,of yellow belt,after a while you will see what i mean,but have a great journey.


I think it just appears more fast and straight. The economy of motion, perhaps? Could be the practical way of dealing with attacks, as well? Perhaps just more to the point?

I think you are in for an "eye opening" experience, Manny. Not to discount what you have been doing... This just will be different. Keep up the good work!

Milt G.

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