Western Martial Arts Illustrated?


Blue Belt
Aug 26, 2004
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It's been over a year since they posted anything about Issue #4 on their web page. I emailed them earlier this week and haven't got a reply. Has anyone heard anything from them? Did the magazine go belly up? I hope Issue #4 is just delayed (and a long delay it has been!) and they haven't gone under, because I've enjoyed what they've put out so far.

Last I spoke with 'em (which, admittedly, was a while back) they were still working through some issues but were still intending to continue.

They had one of their Advisory Board step down.

There are always (ALWAYS) issues associated with costs of production, some of which are offset by advertising and some by readership.

There are issues associated with distribution channels.

There are also issues with being able to keep a solid flow of quality articles. WMA is very niche.

There are some other things too. The editor isn't doing this as his full time job so he still has to make a living, has a family, etc.

WMAI isn't the first western arts oriented magazine. I know of at least one other. It was a one-man operation and the editor eventually gave up, mostly because it takes sooooo much time and effort with little payback. He used Lulu to publish so the stuff is still available: Live Steel Magazine

Peace favor your sword,
Hopefully they will continue. Like I said I enjoyed the magazine.

The recession probably hasn't made things easier either.

Thanks for the link to Live Steel!

I too loved getting the magazine and DO hope it will continue.
Jeremy Bays