Westboro Baptist Church Picket Schedule

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Westboro Baptist Church Picket Schedule

Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, MI November 18, 2010 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
WBC will picket the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, MI, the largest mosque in North America, to remind the idolatrous, doomed Muslims that Mohammed was a pedophile and a false prophet. Like most other false religious systems of modern doomed america, Islam teaches rebellion against the Lord Jesus Christ. Muslims claim Christ was merely a prophet and that He did not die and live again. They claim His blood is not sufficient or even necessary for salvation. They shall learn the truth when Christ himself returns!
Oh, this could be interesting
Someone should sell tickets....

Honestly, the Muslims are probably so paranoid right now they'll do very little about it, if anything. However if the Westboro folks really want to get their message out about the evils of Islam, they should have big balls and perhaps travel to the holy sites in Saudi and protest there.
Someone's looking to cause another 9/11.

Seriously. how stupid. All this current problems with radical muslims and they have to pull stunts like this. oh me oh my.....
Why would this be a story? Muslims are totally peaceful. They probably won't even notice the Phelpses.
Someone should sell tickets....

Honestly, the Muslims are probably so paranoid right now they'll do very little about it, if anything. However if the Westboro folks really want to get their message out about the evils of Islam, they should have big balls and perhaps travel to the holy sites in Saudi and protest there.

I'll be happy to chip in some cash to a fund that pays for their one-way tickets over if that would help...

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