Well what do you know... Einstein was right.

"They haven't even aged. Einstein was right" ... "Einstein was probably one of them." ~Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind

I didn't need to know what I already knew. Einstein was far ahead of his time, like Hawking, Newton, etc. Einstein and his associates that created the atomic weapons and figured out many other things in their day.
They're proof (to me anyway) of the continuing evolution of the human mind. With the right nurturing of a genius child's brain, wonderful things can be achieved and conceived.

Biggest problem with his theory/fact is application. Actually creating a ship with enough mass and energy to travel at twice the speed of light is probably still beyond us as we continue to war and destroy opportunities that could be opened if we put aside our petty differences and work together... a pipe dream I know.
We should already have a base on the moon to help propel ships further into space, we should have already had manned missions to Mars and at least a human footprint on that virgin soil.

What's mind boggling is that we've the creative minds to conceive the ideas of far flung space travels thanks to many a Sci-fi writer's imagination (which is more important than knowledge Einstein said). Yet we still stagnate here on earth trying to solve a myriad of problems.
The answers are out there if we continue to break the bonds of Earth's gravity and seek beyond our self-imposed limited horizons.


  • $m65_wendel_c720.jpg
    24.2 KB · Views: 157
Cool! And may I add as a mathemtician...this was primarily a computational (i.e. mathematical) achievement!
Einstein was far ahead of his time, like Hawking, Newton, etc.
Funny you should mention those 3. Hawking has the distinction of being the only person ever to play himself in a Star Trek episode. There was an episode of TNG where Data was playing poker with the 3 of them on the holodeck.
A most memorable scene indeed :D.

I completely agree with Caver too. Altho' conflict tends to be a spur to technology, we're now reaching the point where we're getting diminishing scientific/commercial returns from military development.

Mind you, I have to be careful saying that with too much emphasis, as it's always just after someones said something like that, that a huge breakthrough is revealed :lol:.
Funny you should mention those 3. Hawking has the distinction of being the only person ever to play himself in a Star Trek episode. There was an episode of TNG where Data was playing poker with the 3 of them on the holodeck.

he played a hologram of himself

Wasn't there an episode where the crew was time-traveled back to the set of Start Trek? Kept walking into teh doors expecting them to autoamtically open? Would that be the opposite of playing yourself on TV?
he played a hologram of himself
While technically true (and I did mention the word holodeck), he is billed as playing "himself."

Wasn't there an episode where the crew was time-traveled back to the set of Start Trek? Kept walking into teh doors expecting them to autoamtically open? Would that be the opposite of playing yourself on TV?
Um... this doesn't ring a bell.
he played a hologram of himself

Wasn't there an episode where the crew was time-traveled back to the set of Start Trek? Kept walking into teh doors expecting them to automatically open? Would that be the opposite of playing yourself on TV?
I recall READING a story involving that where the actors and the real characters switched places. The story delved more into more of Shatner, Kelly and Nimoy's take on what to do and playing their roles rather than Kirk, McCoy and Spock trying to figure out their roles on earth as actors.
T'was interesting reading to be sure.
But yes there probably was a TNG episode along those lines. as well...

But trekking is off topic anyway.
There's porn on the internet?! :idunno:

Apparently so - not that I've ever seen any personally of course :angel: :lol:.

Indeed, I've said before that without porn there would be no WWW as we know it. That industry has been the money and drive behind every development that has lead to faster comms and more secure financial transactions.
I recall READING a story involving that where the actors and the real characters switched places. The story delved more into more of Shatner, Kelly and Nimoy's take on what to do and playing their roles rather than Kirk, McCoy and Spock trying to figure out their roles on earth as actors.
T'was interesting reading to be sure.
But yes there probably was a TNG episode along those lines. as well...

But trekking is off topic anyway.

Maybe I did read that and my over-active imagination has me remembering it as something I saw... 60 minutes of googling yielded no TV references.

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