Welcome to the Computer Support Forum!


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Everyone who accesses MartialTalk does so using a computer, and computer-related questions arise often. We have a lot of experience amongst our members. This is a place for them to share their computer experience--be it for better enjoyment of MartialTalk, computerizing a martial arts school, or even a mroe general computer question.

As always, it'll be our members who make this place useful! Contribute if you can. Of course, MartialTalk cannot be responsible for any bad advice that you may get.

-MT Admin-
yall are gonna be the death of me, I swear :D As though I didn't spend enough time on martialtalk as it was ;)
I know nothing......I claim to know nothing...Help I'm really just stuck insdie this box...help let me out...(tapping on screeen)

Hey wheres the coffee cup holder in this thing???

And can anyone tell me where the Any key is?????


great idea! Just wont catch me lurking in here nope uh uh...

Name changed to Computer Talk to reflect how the forum is actually used.

-MT Admin-

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