Weapons Check

  • Thread starter Chicago Green Dragon
  • Start date

Chicago Green Dragon


Just wondering which weapons people use.
I fence, Foil (non-electric and electric) and
Sabre (Non-electric and electric).

What weapons do you fence ?

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
Many moons ago I practiced fencing (non-electric) with a student. I also used to practice swordfighting with Chinese (wooden) sword and broadsword.
I fence with Sabre and Foil. Both unpowered. I never have liked the way the cords feel, and I don't compete in tournaments so I see no reason too use electric weapons.
I have been trying to get a fiberglass "rapier" type waster to work, still need to weld the swept hilt though. I would like to try a "foiled" rapier but frankly I odnt have the money to throw at it right now. I have never been a big fan of the foil seems a little too light. As for saber and epie (sp?) I have never had an opertunity to play with them.

Despair Bear
What about the rapier?

I'm not talking about the sport ones, but the combat rapiers (a bit sturdier and more robust, a bit heaver, a bit longer).

The rapier isn't associated with modern sport fencing as say the foil, epee, and saber, but it would be interesting to just try one out.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
What about the rapier?

I'm not talking about the sport ones, but the combat rapiers (a bit sturdier and more robust, a bit heaver, a bit longer).

The rapier isn't associated with modern sport fencing as say the foil, epee, and saber, but it would be interesting to just try one out.

Now I'm curious: How does using a rapier differ from epee or foil?
Well from what I have found the movements of rapier fighting is not nearly as linear as in sport fencing. Also the use of an offhand weapon is very comen, as well as grabs throws and striking. Fencing is a sport, but the rapier is a wepon and has been used as one for far longer than the sport has been around. I have often equated modern fencing with an evolution of French small sword combat, the foil and epie (sp?) are similer in shape and function. But hey that is just me.

Despair Bear