Now Doug Rigby is facing the prospect of his other son, Will, returning to Iraq, where John became one of the 163 UK troops so far killed in Iraq.
"We are steeled for the possibility he will go back.. and we will support him."
For Will, it has been a decision requiring a great deal of thought.
"It became very apparent to me and John when we arrived the good that the British soldiers are doing in Iraq.
"As soldiers on the ground, we are making a difference, slowly but surely, to the people of Iraq.
"I have a job to do and I am a serving soldier. Where they say, I go. When I feel ready, I shall go back."
They are soldiers, they have been around since time immemorial. Many feel this way. End? Not as long as mankind exists. Ask? Perhaps. Most of us volunteer these days. They represent what is best in people and are faced with the worst that mankind can inflict.