Ways to improve the V sweep


Im having a little trouble with my V sweep, which is really pissing me off. I've got the scisor sweep down I just need to clean it up and not telegraph it as much, but the V sweep is giving me problems. Does anyone now any good drills to help me improve it?

Thanks in advance

the key to this sweep for me is shifting your hips 90 degree's and really speading your legs open wide. Traping the arm side you are going to sweep the person to. keep in mind if you do not trap the arm the person can get base. if this happens there are many other things to do from the V sweep.

hope this helped.

the key to this sweep for me is shifting your hips 90 degree's and really speading your legs open wide. Traping the arm side you are going to sweep the person to. keep in mind if you do not trap the arm the person can get base. if this happens there are many other things to do from the V sweep.

hope this helped.

That does help. Ill have to try that next time Im on the map.

question though: Where are the best positions for the legs? I know one is high and one is low. For the high one, do you want it under the arm pit?

Never heard of a v-sweep, but every sweep is called something different from school to school. Most of the old text book BJJ sweeps are way outdated now anyways.

You should always keep your legs moving. Don't focus on high and low and keeping them locked in place. You should always have movement and react to the opponent. A game of chess.