Way of the Warrior: Martial Arts and Fighting Styles from Around the World

Interesting. Thanks for letting us know about it.
I think it's that British guy that did the BBC show "Kick *** Moves" or something like that. There's clips on Youtube.
Yes, the author is Chris Crudelli. I did not know anything about him or his show when I got the book. He did put an awful lot of work into this project. The photographs and layout are excellent, and he includes a lot of brief descriptions of 300 and some styles and well as profiles of some key players, etc. With so many arts, he only has room for brief descriptions, and can only include a few personalities for certain arts. But it is still one heck of a project and a very cool book to look through. Having authored a book and a number of videos, as well as working on more currently, I really respect the scope and work Chris put into this.


Yours in Training,


If you look on page 314 at the bottom, you'll see a section on yours truly! :ultracool I'm the one in the black shirt doing the gun disarm :ultracool.
