


How often are water breaks for you? How much do you take in during the breaks?

For me, I take a water break every 2 rounds, and take in a mouthfull.
Depends on how much sweat I'm putting out.
Water can be taken in fairly large quantities without the same effects you would get from something containing sugar or other forms of calories.
In Thailand, when I was working out (either running or doing forms) I'd drink one liter every 15 minutes ... but then it was 118 degrees F and 95% humidity...

But doesnt the water intake affect your performance. that is to say, stomach cramps or full stomach?
If I know I'm going to be doing a heavy workout at night I drink as much water as possible during the day but when the workout comes I don't drink too much during it at all. I find that I get stomach cramps if I drink aerobic fitness, but if it's anaerobic then I'm fine.

stomach cramps or full stomach

No...because water is not digested, it is simply absorbed...
If you put something in your stomach that requires digestion...yes, you'll get cramps...but not water...

In fact, if you maintain hydration during an event that makes you sweat alot, you'll do better...

As far as a full feeling goes, like anything, don't overdo it.

Marathon runners drink on the run, I can't think of anything more aerobic than that...

Water is important, you're not toughening yourself up by denying yourself water. You will just hinder the learning process.

However, you don't want to drink gallons during training. Drinking a lot will cause you to throw up if you get back to hard training immediately.
Originally posted by soccer50
How often are water breaks for you? How much do you take in during the breaks?

For me, I take a water break every 2 rounds, and take in a mouthfull.

For me, I drink plenty of water prior to MA training, which is usu. 1 - 2 hours before going to the dojang. Consequently, I usually don't need a water break during my training unless it's extra vigorous, and say it lasts more than 1 to 2 hrs+. Never had any problems with cramping. If it's one of those extra hard sessions I make sure to take a water break in the middle of it. I do tend to sweat like a friggin' pig though.

After the workouts I always rehydrate... :drinkbeer<---(and this is usu. Gatorade I'm downing, not brewskies)