Watch where you look!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
As Mr. Spock is fond of saying: "Fascinating."
This site examines the study of how people view websites. Particularly news sites so they can better ...uhh, catch your eye.
One diagram shows how the average person's eye(s) track any given page.
I was thinking ... geez hold still will ya?
Interesting stuff. Makes you wonder what else are they tracking?
Kinda like a woman's frustration of getting a guy to KEEP eye contact... Uh-huh sure you weren't looking there!
Why you inhuman, green-blooded...

Just kidding - I'm a trekkie (sshhhh - don't tell anyone :borg:)

Curious - I always placed my navigation bars on the left, because that's where I naturally look first, so this study makes sense. What makes it curious to me is that when we physically enter a store, we gravitate towards the right, hence retailers place displays they want you to look at and the items they want you to buy towards the right side of their entrances.

Perhaps because most of us are right-side dominant, though we are trained to read starting at the top left, so our eyes naturally gravitate in that direction.

The pattern displayed seems to follow a natural reading progression, no?