was I sleeping?


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Life is weird don't you think? At 20 I become a black belt, afther that I trained for maybe one and half or two years more, then droped, it was because many things, you know parties,chics,friends,work and then marriage. The truth was TKD was going for olimpic sport status and as I told you before the training was towards to the game putting the true martial art away.

Well afther quiting TKD I turned to guns, specifically handguns, I become a reloader (to shhot more) and an avid pistol competitor at local level, my gun of choice the venerable colt m1911a1 .45 acp pistol, damn I was good, then I stoped pistol machs because of politics of my former shooting range and went to the shotgun, competing in colombaire inmy state and another statates and offcouse a little feather hunting with my dad.

Afther almost 18 year I come back to TKD in a nice and warm dojan with a very good sambunim and I'm preparing myself to teach TKD classes and hopping this be my own way, Practical Clasic TKD that's the way I'm wana teach.

Was I'm sleeping all those years? maybe the MA person inside me never died, maybe the warrion inside me was sleeping, waiting my second chance to do my TKD, the fact is my sambunim has told me I am a truly TKD person and he wants me to teach classes, infact I'm teachingttle these days.

What do you think? I have so many to learn and so many to give.


No way. But life takes us those little detours. Eventually things come full circle.
He didn't die he was always there in a dormant state waiting for his turn again...
Many of us have taken long vacations from the arts and then returned. Something inside just reminds us of how much we loved it and we return.
Sleeping? Maybe not but you did find other interests that kept this aspect of the martial arts pushed to the side .
Welcome back

In IPSC I got to class 'A'. In IDPA I'm expert or above in all classifications. I've shot CMP matches, IHMSA, NRA Hunter, three gun matches, Assault matches (were you run hundreds of yards through a forrest shooting at targets as they pop up), taught hunter safety courses, teach now CHL classes, been to many a shooting school, and been a very avid reloader for most of my life. Killed many a deer to!

But I only dropped out once for about 10 years from TKD. Started in college and am still going strong.

But yes, it was a mistake to have dropped out of TKD at all! Won't make that mistake again.

No Manny not sleeping just waiting for the right instructor to help with those inner feelings.
No Manny not sleeping just waiting for the right instructor to help with those inner feelings.

You are right. My actual sambunim is a very good man, honorable, respectful,a truly TKD man I have to say, he's more than a teacher, is a very good friend. He runs his dojan like a family, he takes a lot of care for his students mostly children and youngsters, I'm the oldest and sambunim gives me the place I deserve. Did I mention he's budist?

Was I'm sleeping all those years? maybe the MA person inside me never died, maybe the warrion inside me was sleeping, waiting my second chance to do my TKD, the fact is my sambunim has told me I am a truly TKD person and he wants me to teach classes, infact I'm teachingttle these days.
What do you think? I have so many to learn and so many to give.

Maybe you are a warrior BUT I hardly consider TKD a warrior art. The only martial artists that consider TKD a combat effective art are those that practice and do TKD. I can think of several other arts that are more warrior oriented. Arts taught by Ashida Kim and Frank Dux for example are excellent choices for street combat. Also, other systems that are good are Capiera and modern wu shu. In Capiera you do the Brazilian dancing when in fact it has martial art techniques hidden in it. When you break out in this dance your opponent gets mezmorized and then whaaam, you strike him before he knows what hit him. In wu shu you can do cartwheels and arials right over him before he can hit you. In fact when you get darn good you can do kicks while in the air doing arials and butterfly kicks. These 4 arts are far more warrior like than TKD. May I suggest you try one of them to quench your warrior spirit. Anything but TKD. :D
Maybe you are a warrior BUT I hardly consider TKD a warrior art. The only martial artists that consider TKD a combat effective art are those that practice and do TKD. Also, other systems that are good are Capiera and modern wu shu. In Capiera you do the Brazilian dancing when in fact it has martial art techniques hidden in it. When you break out in this dance your opponent gets mezmorized and then whaaam, you strike him before he knows what hit him. In wu shu you can do cartwheels and arials right over him before he can hit you. In fact when you get darn good you can do kicks while in the air doing arials and butterfly kicks. These 4 arts are far more warrior like than TKD. May I suggest you try one of them to quench your warrior spirit. Anything but TKD. :D

Oh yeah? I think it is the reverse. Those are more of artists than warriors. Try doing a brazilian dance and cartwheels and aerials in a streetfight. You'll end up on the floor faster than you'd expect to land.

FYI, in case you didn't actually know, in TKD we have lots of fancy aerial techniques. -_-
Oh yeah? I think it is the reverse. Those are more of artists than warriors. Try doing a brazilian dance and cartwheels and aerials in a streetfight. You'll end up on the floor faster than you'd expect to land.

FYI, in case you didn't actually know, in TKD we have lots of fancy aerial techniques. -_-

Are you kidding me.....you took that post seriously. You didn't detect any sarcasm in that post. I was totally BSing everything I said. Do you really think that I think Capiera is effective or that I would even suggest doing ariels in a fight. Come on man, where is your sense of humor (and/or logic for that matter)?
I sense complete antagonism in that post.

"Maybe you are a warrior BUT I hardly consider TKD a warrior art. The only martial artists that consider TKD a combat effective art are those that practice and do TKD."

I see these lines too much to consider them as JOKES and illogical. There are plenty of *people* out there who think that way, and voice it out.
I sense complete antagonism in that post.

"Maybe you are a warrior BUT I hardly consider TKD a warrior art. The only martial artists that consider TKD a combat effective art are those that practice and do TKD."

I see these lines too much to consider them as JOKES and illogical. There are plenty of *people* out there who think that way, and voice it out.

Actually, I was able to detect the sarcasm in that post, and did not take that seriously. The smiley at the end helps to detect the purpose behind what was said.

I think it was meant as a lighthearted joke...
Actually, I was able to detect the sarcasm in that post, and did not take that seriously. The smiley at the end helps to detect the purpose behind what was said.

I think it was meant as a lighthearted joke...

I have to agree it was an attept to be funny.
It was an attempt to be funny. Can't you just see it now, someone breaking out in a Brazilian dance during a street fight. You all know the dance I'm talking about where you sway back and forth???? They even made a movie where a guy teaches this to some street kids. It was a low budget film. Can't remember the name of it though.
It was an attempt to be funny. Can't you just see it now, someone breaking out in a Brazilian dance during a street fight. You all know the dance I'm talking about where you sway back and forth???? They even made a movie where a guy teaches this to some street kids. It was a low budget film. Can't remember the name of it though.

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