Walmart and slave labor

This is by no means a rare thing. We've lost a ton of manufacturing jobs is south western virginia due to the companies moving out of the country for VERY cheap labor. Most of the labor in this area was in the furniture and textile manufacturing domain. Entire towns have been decimated due to loss of jobs. This begs the question "Have we become so used to the american standard of living that we are essentially cutting our own throats in the market place?"
I think another question is: "Must all large companies throw away all ethics in order to remain competitive?"
Originally posted by MisterMike
I think another question is: "Must all large companies throw away all ethics in order to remain competitive?"

I think its the nature of the Beast. Those with the least morals can produce the cheapest product and thus put their competitors out of business. The essence of pure capitolism is moral devolution because the basest among us all can find the greatest rewards.
Henry Ford set up his company in such a way as to take care of his employees. They prospered...and then went out and bought Ford cars.

Pity some other companies can't work that way.



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