Wal-Mart Cake


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Wal-Mart Cake

It took me a second, but make sure you read the story under the picture.

Keep in mind this actually really did happen.

This cake is for someone who was moving from an insurance claims office


Okay so this is how I imagine this conversation went:

Walmart Employee:'Hello 'dis be Walmarts, how can I helps you?'

Customer:' I would like to order a cake for a going away party this week.'

Walmart Employee: 'Whats you want on da cake?'

Customer: Best Wishes Suzanneand underneath that 'We will miss you'.


You can't fix stupid.
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I believe that the problem, as has happened before here at MT, is that the OP is a repost from a mailbox. So the poster may well see nothing amiss but the rest of us get only the Taunt of the Red X.

I think this is the same story:


To add a non-humerous aside, ignoring the obvious mistake, if that's the standard of lettering you can expect from Wal-Mart, I'd get my cakes elsewhere.
Crap, Crap and Double Crap...It was there when I did the post preview...Let me try and fix it...
I believe that the problem, as has happened before here at MT, is that the OP is a repost from a mailbox. So the poster may well see nothing amiss but the rest of us get only the Taunt of the Red X.

I think this is the same story:


To add a non-humerous aside, ignoring the obvious mistake, if that's the standard of lettering you can expect from Wal-Mart, I'd get my cakes elsewhere.

Yep. its the same story/picture....
By Jove, I believe it worked...
:D Nope. It might seem to work for you if you still had your webmail open at the same time as the MT page. My guess at the reason we can't see it is because your webmail (as everyones) is username/password protected i.e. you're linking to a 'locked door' as far as we're concerned.

If you want us to see the picture then it needs to be hosted somewhere accessible.