Waiting for the rain


Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
On this night of nights after this day of days I find myself sitting here waiting for the rain to come. Sitting here reflecting about the events and journeys that have transpired since the last time it rained. I don't quite know what it is about rain that has this effect on me. When it rains I feel as though my soul is being washed clean of things that weigh it down. The sound of rain falling, water rushing in gutters and out from under cars' tires as they drive past. The smell of the earth. Watching the rain fall under a street light or through the half light of a cloud covered moon, or, drops hitting against a window smearing and distorting the image of what lies beyond. I'm not sure why these things affect me the way they do, only that I've learned to recognize them and use them. Today has been a strange day. Strange for a couple reasons, least of which is this post. I'm usually quite self contained and never feel the need to share much about myself with others. So this post is an oddity for me.

Today has left me with a weariness that I've not felt in years; not since I was in high school, which was a very difficult time for me and for more than just the 'normal' reasons. Today was the first time since moving from the Bay Area back in 2001, that I've felt trapped. I feel as though I've reached my limit and yet I know I have much more to do as the school year is still just beginning. I'm a very passive individual. I normally don't allow things to get to me, nor do I hold onto them once they do. However by this day's end I have felt utterly consumed by the demands of others.
I am blessed to have the coworkers that I have. I was grateful at the opportunity to work with them again. My job is nothing exotic or special. I work at Long's Drugs. I originally started working there part time as a photo tech and CSR (customer service rep). After leaving and returning my responsibilities have increased ten fold. Now I work full time as a receiving clerk. Though that is only my official title I; wear many other hats, so to speak. I do the bookkeeping, work the photo lab when the scheduled tech isn't there, CSR, as well as act as a first responder to just about any other situation and or minor catastrophe that can occur at a drug store. (perhaps that's a bit melodramatic...) Anyway I do my best to leave work at work, usually with great success. The benefit of working a half hour commute from home is that in that half hour drive I have time to mentally switch gears. From work to home, to school. It gives me time to prepare and focus.

Today I had no classes as I'm only taking 6 units (half of a full load). So it was straight home, where I hoped to accomplish some homework and do my best to forget the demands at work. Taking some time I hopped online and cruised MT for a while when a friend signed on to AIM. She and I have a bit of a history, which is far from simple. This history is relevant, but not something I am going to get into. My being gone for the summer was not to her liking yet partially her doing. So we are on uneasy ground at the moment. She made it clear that she felt that I don't care if I don't see her or talk to her which is definitely not the case. I understand her feeling this way as I'm not one to fully articulate what I'm feeling or thinking. Though to be fair she is used to it as I used to be comfortable with being that way around her. So yeah it's convoluted and complicated at best. The thing is while I feel absolutely horrible that I've made her feel this way she just cuts off the conversation without so much as a goodbye or go to hell. Again I can understand her being upset, but at the same time utterly enraged at the lack of opportunity to talk things out.

Shortly after this drama I talk to my family, specifically my mother and my sister. I am currently building a computer for my sister, which has been an endeavor unto its own. As the computer is near completion my sister is anxious to get it which most likely involves a 2 hour (round trip) drive for me. My mother makes not so subtle hints that my other sister is upset that I haven't repaid money that I've borrowed from her. Why my sister wont speak directly to me about this is beyond me.

So yeah...

On this night of nights I have done my best to let go the stresses from this day of days. I know I can't let it build, so I don't. However the weariness remains. I do my best to wash it away but a little rain wouldn't hurt right about now.

My apologies for a long post, but for some reason I felt the need to share, I wish I knew why.
Okay that's it. I'm convinced this day was never meant to end. I get relaxed enough to actually sleep. No sooner than do I doze off my phone rings. Because I had just fallen asleep I think ' oh god i overslept and its work calling' because in the mornings i usually set my alarm early enough that i get to doze a bit and ease into my day. So now I'm all shot though with adrenalin and can't sleep. I don't even want to get into who called. I'm sure you can guess.

Hang in there DublJay.

This too shall pass, and never forget that you have a lot of friends cheering you on from the other side of cyberspace. :)

Oh lord dubljay, do I hear you on days like that. The rain seems to do it for me too...gray day..gray mood. Hang in there and this is a great place to vent. :asian:
Okay that's it. I'm convinced this day was never meant to end. I get relaxed enough to actually sleep. No sooner than do I doze off my phone rings

It is for that reason that when I go to bed ( sleep or nap) I turn ALL the phones in the house off

Hang in there...

Sorry, just felt like screaming. I'm more than pissed and confused right now. GOD PEOPLE SUCK!

*we now return you to your regularly scheduled programing*

Sorry, just felt like screaming. I'm more than pissed and confused right now. GOD PEOPLE SUCK!

*we now return you to your regularly scheduled programing*

Ya know, I sooooooooo know the feeling. Hang in there.

Sorry, just felt like screaming. I'm more than pissed and confused right now. GOD PEOPLE SUCK!

*we now return you to your regularly scheduled programing*

Sometimes you just have to scream... or hit something... I known my stress level at work went way down when I found they had put a heavy bag in the weight room; I haven't used it yet, but just knowing I can go down and bang on if I need to helps some days.
Sometimes you just have to scream... or hit something... I known my stress level at work went way down when I found they had put a heavy bag in the weight room; I haven't used it yet, but just knowing I can go down and bang on if I need to helps some days.

I'd love it if they'd put up a heavy bag... but unfortunately they wont. And well being bookkeeper and receiver anything I broke I would have to not only box up and have it shipped back but then have to account for it the next day. I spend most of my day pushing paperwork or trying to drop heavy boxes on my head because the idiots in the warehouses stack pallets 10ft high with full cases of liquer on top.
Think we all get days like that bud. Living in Scotland - it rains a lot, its easy to get philisophical listening to the hypnotic patter. It used to bring me down a bit, and it would seem like the whole world was restless. Almost like we were all waiting for it to stop so things could get done. Sometimes the best way to deal with feeling down and upset is to just get right into it....

Turn on some loud music and scream along for a few minutes, eat an entire tub of ice cream, paint random pictures in a notebook or throw out some old junk. Take the empty bottles to the recycle point and smash them into the bin.

But, after all that, come home; curl up on the sofa, put on your favourite movie and cuddle the nearest cushion. Have an early night and the next day make the concious decision that when you wake up you're going to have a good day no matter what! Think about the good things you've done or want to do; spend some time around someone who makes you laugh and try to make them laugh!

Don't know if this makes any sense to you, I'm just speaking from the heart. I totally know the way you're feeling; this is just the way I deal with it best.

Hope you feel cheerier soon! xx
I just wanted to thank everyone for listening to me complain. I appreciate it, just having a place to vent and get feed back. So thank you.

Jonathan Randall said:
Oh, sorry.

BTW, do you still study with Bob Liles? I know that he's a friend of Dave Kovar's (who I got to green belt under back in the 80's before he switched to TKD).

No worries, I sometimes forget that only because I get it in my own head that everyone esle may not. :btg:

I no longer train with Mr. Liles. I havent had the time to devote to training. Which I regret. I'm nothing but an armchair kenpoist. bleh.

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