Virus Alert


Blue Belt
Heads up.
Received fromTrend Micro today.

Dear Trend Micro customer,

As of July 26, 2004 8:31 AM (GMT -7:00 Daylight Savings Time), TrendLabs has declared a Medium Risk Virus Alert to control the spread of WORM_MYDOOM.M. TrendLabs has received several infection reports indicating that this malware is spreading in Singapore, Germany and the US.

This worm spreads via email through SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

The details of the email it sends are as follows:

Subject: (any of the following)
. The original message was included as attachment The/Your m/Message could not be delivered
. hello
. hi error
. status
. test
. report
. delivery failed
. Message could not be delivered
. Mail System Error - Returned Mail
. Delivery reports about your e-mail
. Returned mail: see transcript for details
. Returned mail: Data format error

Attachment: (any of the following)
. %s.scr
. %s.exe
. %s.pif
. %s.bat

TrendLabs will be releasing the following EPS deliverables:

TMCM Outbreak Prevention Policy - 122 (released)
Official Pattern Release - 1.945.00 (ETA: 30 mins)
Damage Cleanup Template - 384 (ETA: 2 hours)
Network VirusWall (NVW) Pattern 134 - (ETA: 3 hours)
Vulnerability Assessment (MS04-014) - Already Supported

For more information on WORM_MYDOOM.M, you can visit our Web site at:

Mydoom has actually been around a while...

Stinger Tool Download

That link is to a small removal tool called Stinger the ISP I work for made availible to our customers. It finds and removes Mydoom, Bagle/Beagle and a few other recent Virus files if you think you may be infected.

Hope that helps some of you.

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