Master Black Belt
Two things.
Why does the number of "New Posts fluxuate so much?"
Is it listing only the ones that are "x" hours old?
I think it would be better for me if it listed the most recent 10-20 posts. Sometimes I check the list, post, go back to post to reply to something I had seen earlier and it is Gone. All I remember is part of the title and sometimes I can not find the thread again.
This is frustrating.
It used to be that every time I posted to a thread I was automatically subscribed. Now it doesn' t seem to work that way except for maybe Mr. C's QnA thread. Between this and the fact that posts disappear off the "New Posts" lists like they do, sometimes I will post something, someone will reply and I won't notice for days until I go browsing through the forums. Not having to browse through the forums is one of the reasons I liked this place so much when I first signed on. It was easy to keep up with what was new and what was relative to your last post and certain threads which you were subscribed to.
I'm not very experienced at this stuff, but my participation has declined lately partially due to these two reasons. Just thought I'd see if I was the only one or if something really is going on or could be improved.
OK. I guess I need to put up a :soapbox: graphic now. So there it is.

Why does the number of "New Posts fluxuate so much?"
Is it listing only the ones that are "x" hours old?
I think it would be better for me if it listed the most recent 10-20 posts. Sometimes I check the list, post, go back to post to reply to something I had seen earlier and it is Gone. All I remember is part of the title and sometimes I can not find the thread again.
This is frustrating.
It used to be that every time I posted to a thread I was automatically subscribed. Now it doesn' t seem to work that way except for maybe Mr. C's QnA thread. Between this and the fact that posts disappear off the "New Posts" lists like they do, sometimes I will post something, someone will reply and I won't notice for days until I go browsing through the forums. Not having to browse through the forums is one of the reasons I liked this place so much when I first signed on. It was easy to keep up with what was new and what was relative to your last post and certain threads which you were subscribed to.
I'm not very experienced at this stuff, but my participation has declined lately partially due to these two reasons. Just thought I'd see if I was the only one or if something really is going on or could be improved.
OK. I guess I need to put up a :soapbox: graphic now. So there it is.