Video training


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Does your school ever just set up a video recorder and let the student watch and try to teach of what they just saw and was it really worth the time and effort?
I used a video recorder when working on patterns. It is one thing for someone to tell you what you are doing wrong, and an entirely different thing to see yourself doing it. I have taped myself doing other techniques as well, when I felt something was just not quite right. It has really helped me.

This was done on my own, not during class and we haven't used a tape to teach anything new since I've been around.
We use the video for multi purpose.To show if & were an error has occured.For recalling the form or teaching,much like taking note.For historical purpose to maybe pass on to a family member who might want to start or just see what you do & that your ok.
I have a friend and training partner who tapes many of my classes and all of the black belt tests. He is a generous guy and he gives the black belt examinees copies of their respective tests. But, as a formal teaching instrument, I am sorry to say that I have not used a video camera. On the other hand, I will bring in videos and show certain things to the students: Kukkiwon videos for basic techniques/poomsae; sparring tapes by Han Won Lee/Dr. Jin Bang Yang/ Coach Kim.

My school video tapes all BB testings. We will also do sparring practices, but only as a training aid in preparing for major tournaments. Me personally, I also video all of my practices in both Kumdo and Taekwondo. I find it to be benefitial.
I haven't yet, but I will. The tapes that were made of sparring when I trained in kickboxing were/are extremely valueable in my training.

I also believe that good video aids can help a student or instructor become better. But they cannot replace actually taking classes.