Video footage of Rodel Dagoac

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Here are some youtube links to Senior Master of Modern Arnis Rodel Dagoac! (I do not believe they have been posted before)


Brian R. VanCise
I would love to see him in person
maybe one day he will visit somewhere close so i can attend a seminar by him
The man is simply amazing!!

I had the chance yesterday, to head over to Brian Z's house to watch some footage from his recent trip to the PI. There was some great footage of Master Dagoac. Brian went on to say that he apparently had some surgery on his shoulders, limiting him to 60% movement. Well, needless to say, if what I saw what only 60%, it shouldn't take much to imagine what 100% was like!! Not sure when these clips were filmed, but nonetheless, the man is amazing!!!

Palusut said:
I have met Rodel and seen him in action. He is simply amazing!!!

Very cool!! Did you make a trip to the PI or was he here in the states?
He was smooth on every move. It would be great to get some training tips from the man.Terry
I met him at a MARPPIO seminar in Durham, NC taught by Remy Presas Jr., Demetrio Presas, and Rodel.

It was grueling and fun!

Rodel is fast and his strikes are reminisent of a machine gun firing.
Palusut said:
I met him at a MARPPIO seminar in Durham, NC taught by Remy Presas Jr., Demetrio Presas, and Rodel.

It was grueling and fun!

Rodel is fast and his strikes are reminisent of a machine gun firing.

Sounds like a great time!! Seeing him on tape was amazing, but I'm sure in person is a very different experience!
MJS said:
Sounds like a great time!! Seeing him on tape was amazing, but I'm sure in person is a very different experience!
For sure. Also, I want to add his accuracy was incredible as well!