veneezuelan-iranian missle bases


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In This article by Frank Gaffney, he discusses the threat of Iran building a missle base in Venezuela, and the threat of iranian missles threatening not only Chavez's immediate neighbors, but the united states power grid.

"According to the German daily Die Welt, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez has agreed to grant Iran a “military base manned by Iranian missile officers, soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard [Corps] and Venezuelan missile officers.” The paper goes on to report that these troops will be equipped with not only relatively short-range Scud B and C ballistic missiles – well suited for threatening Venezuela’s neighbors. They will also get the Iranian Shahab-3 missiles – weapons that have sufficient range (1300-1500 km) to reach the United States.
The Shahab 3 was also the missile tested by the Iranian regime in a manner that appears suited to conducting a strategic electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) attack by lofting a nuclear weapon into space and detonating it at several hundred miles altitude. According to a blue-ribbon congressional commission, such an attack on this country would be “catastrophic.” By damaging or destroying our electrical grid and electronic devices, the nation would be swiftly reduced to a pre-industrial society..."

I do not believe in the 2012 end of the world scenario, or that global warming is caused by people. However, my spidey sense is tingling at the implications of this story. It would not take much for the Russians to supply Iran with a nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States. With the craziness of Achmidinajad, who believes in the coming of the 12th Imam, this situation could be very dangerous to our national security. Obama does not seem concerned with the threats that are actually directed at this country from the 3rd world, especially venezuela and Iran.

In the past we have always relied on mutually assured destruction to deter missle launches from our enemies. What would be the response for a single missle, launched from venezuela, by an Iranian missle base supplied by russia?
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ItÂ’s a basic missile with limited guidance.

One launched at the US mainland and actually hitting the US mainland would result in a limited response. All the launch pads would be knocked out by US/Allied forces very quickly.
The article is more concerned with one nuclear weapon detonated over the north east United States power grid, knocking out the grid with an Emp detonation. The effects, the article mentions would be catastrophic to the united states. Just one missle, instead of multiple launches.