Vee Arnis Jui Jutsu?


Brown Belt
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hola all,
Has anyone heard of Vee Arnis Juijutsu or the Defense Institute. I have heard that this is a good system but so physical that it should be more suited to Russion Sambo since broken bones, fat lips and bloody noses are the rule of the week.

It sounds useful but not if they are muscle techniques and not skill based...

No disrespect to any practitioners out there since I am curious but not curious enough to worry about getting my head handed to me as an uke (and I am a guy who likes sparring).
Vee Arnis is a hands on style, learn by doing, From what I've seen it is a long the lines of RBSD. Real stuff that really works. Best thing to do is take a few classes and experience it first hand and see if it's what you are looking for.
I have no experience with this system. I looked them up once a year or two ago. I guess I was kind of turned off since their name is VAJ. Maybe I just have a really naughty mind, but I'd have a hard time saying I train in the VAJ system of self-defense... They might as well name their system the no-balled wussy losers system. :whip1: (chit chit, burn!)

Just kiddin'. I mean no disrespect. I just think it's funny.

Some years ago I heard on the radio that a power company in Italy named itself GenItalia. Guess they should have run that by a few 13 year-old boys first...