Use a Laser, Go to Prison

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I've posted a couple times in the past about people who seem to think that pointing laser pointers at aircraft is a good idea. I've always had the opinions that such people are cowards; they have some kind of objection to the aircraft in their vicinity (noise, odd hours, etc) but they choose to attack the pilots of the aircraft using what they presume is an anonymous attack. Not unlike internet keyboard commandos who will say things online that they would never say in person.

Some of these laser pointers, incidentally, are not the type used to make cats crazy and illustrate overhead projections in boring meetings, either. Although there are limits to the legal power of laser pointers in the USA, apparently the law is rather easy to circumvent, and many places sell kits and other forms of high-powered laser pointers that far exceed the legal limits in the USA for consumer use.

Shining such a laser in the eyes of a pilot can temporarily blind them and make it impossibly to safely fly the plane or land safely. There have been some near-misses with regard to pilots impaired by lasers aimed at them by people on the ground.

Now it appears the US is getting serious.

Virginia Beach man sentenced to 18 months for blinding Navy pilots with laser
Norfolk, Va. – A Virginia Beach man was sentenced Friday to 18 months in prison and fined $4,000 for harassing Navy pilots in flight near Naval Air Station Oceana.
56-year-old Robert Bruce Jr. must also serve 3 years of supervised release after his 18 months are served.
Bruce pleaded guilty on July 31 to one count of interference with flight crew. According to court documents, Bruce, angry about the noise caused by Navy aircraft flying at Naval Air Station Oceana, intentionally and repeatedly harassed naval aviators with a handheld laser as they flew near his home.

Well, I am glad to hear it. I hope they catch more of these morons and put them in prison for a good long time. What they're doing is dangerous, nearly like shooting a rifle at passing planes. Chances are low that a shot like that would bring down a plane, but it if does through fluke or happenstance, there will be lots of dead people. And all because a person is ticked off by the noise? Well there's a sane response, eh? Just try to kill the people responsible for disturbing your beauty rest!
Shouldn't that title read "Misuse a Laser, Go To Prison?" Just sayin'.

There are pretty decent online instructions for taking the diode (those pointers and such aren't really "lasers"; they are LEDs that lase at certain frequencies, as are most fiberoptics) from a DVD player or burner and making a handheld laser that will burn paper and pop balloons from 10 feet away......
Yeah, and if you buy the right kind of green laser pointer its very easy to up the power in them to make them more powerful than those DVD player versions... problem is, they burn out fast if you don't find a way to add heatsinks to them, because they were not made for that kind of output.
Yeah, and if you buy the right kind of green laser pointer its very easy to up the power in them to make them more powerful than those DVD player versions... problem is, they burn out fast if you don't find a way to add heatsinks to them, because they were not made for that kind of output.

Just as I try to avoid posting detail about certain chemical combinations, or means of deployment, I also try to be vague about this sort of thing. I will point out stuff that's readily available online, though.

So I won't be posting any easy solutions for the heatsink issue, of which there are several. Bwa-bwahahah, and all that.

Or people can just buy them ready-made.

Where's the fun in that?

Loads of fun, I suppose, but considering that you can down a plane with one if you blind the pilot, I would not consider them something one should be aiming at planes when you find them to be annoying. Or, as I said, go to prison. And that makes me happy.

Makes sense to me!
Originally Posted by Bill Mattocks

Or people can just buy them ready-made.

Where's the fun in that?

Plus it's SO much more expensive that way... :)
Lasers - The elderly wife of a friend of mine (who passed away last year) was getting dressed in her bedroom. She saw a red dot on her chest and then on her groin. It was coming from the house next door. The eighteen year old adopted son of her neighbors was targeting her with it. "Targeting" is the key word here. The police were called. They were not amused. Neither were her three sons.

Sometimes - all live happily ever after.