US thinks 8 yr old is a security risk.

Bob Hubbard

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A New Jersey mother said her 8-year-old son faces extra scrutiny from TSA agents when he flies because his name appears on a "selectee" list, The New York Times reported.
Najlah Feanny Hicks said her son, Michael Hicks, a Cub Scout who travels often with his family, has had to go through extra security screening for most of his young life, receiving his first invasive pat-down at the age of two.
She said her son became very upset after he was aggressively frisked on the way home from a family vacation in the Bahamas.
"Up your arms, down your arms, up your crotch — someone is patting your 8-year-old down like he's a criminal," Hicks told the paper.,2933,583031,00.html?test=latestnews

Thank god for those brave heros at the TSA, fondling that 8yr olds tackle regularly. Must make their mothers proud knowing what they do keeps us safe, and his Willie clean.
I the TSA brainchildren actually look, I mean really look into the backgrounds of any names that come up? I mean seriously, an 8yo kid? Then again, those sick **** terrorists would probably do anything or use anyone, if it meant devatation and destruction, so it probably wouldn't surprise me if they strapped a bomb on a kid, a baby, an animal, whatever.

But, any names that come up, should be investigated. Why is this name coming up? Could the kids name be a sound-alike with someone else? Happens all the time, when I run someones name through the computer to check for warrants.

All the more reason why more quality training is needed.
The 8 year old cub scout gets the massage parlor search.... the crazed alien killer with a bomb in his shorts doesn't even make the 'no fly' list.... and we are told:


We've lost the will to defend ourselves, and most of our sense with it.
I have a friend with a name like John Smith, who flies all the time, (up to ten times a year.) He has been stopped for extra security everytime he has flown in the past eight years. He's resigned to the fact and takes it in stride now. But he's never been frisked. They double check his ID and go through his stuff on occassion.

No common sense here. Some dumb person making sure no one can tell her/him that they are not doing their job. When did we allow people not to think for themselves?
Remember, this started when he was -2-. They were fondling him at 2 years old to make sure he wasn't a bomb. Not that his mom had stuffed his diaper with TnT, but because -he- was on the list.
I dunno, the explosives-in-the-pants guy came from Europe, and if Venezia (Venice) Airport is any indication of security measures.....


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Guys, I think we're missing the point here. Some 8 year olds are holy terrors. Consider Bart Simpson ...
Some of those TSA guys are a JOKE...They wanted to stand this wheelchair confined woman in her 90's and check her for weapons..
While I doubt its the case here the use of chldren to carry bombs is a practice often used by Muslim terrorists. My shift partner told me about when he was in Aden with the Paras, his mate had to shoot dead a small boy running toward them with hand grenades he'd been given, pins out, to throw at the British soldiers. Imagine that choice, shoot the child or be blow up with all your section. It was a common ploy using children, it still is in Afghanistan and in Israel the Palestinians will use children, mothers and mentally handicapped people for their suicide bombers.
While I doubt its the case here the use of chldren to carry bombs is a practice often used by Muslim terrorists. My shift partner told me about when he was in Aden with the Paras, his mate had to shoot dead a small boy running toward them with hand grenades he'd been given, pins out, to throw at the British soldiers. Imagine that choice, shoot the child or be blow up with all your section. It was a common ploy using children, it still is in Afghanistan and in Israel the Palestinians will use children, mothers and mentally handicapped people for their suicide bombers.

This was also done during the VietNam war, the VC would regularly tape grenades in the hands of kids and send them off to the US Soldiers.

It is certainly a sick thing and I pray for any troop who has to shoot a child.

But our security measures are sad, we don't want to offend anyone so we don't' profile. Personally I wish our TSA would hire the Israeli's to do airline security, they have it down pretty well from what I can tell.
What I see is not PC I see panic. I see security people who are are panicking because they haven't the confidence in their training nor have they caught the blitz spirit way of thinking about things. The Blitz spirit is the one where you are determined that no one is going to change the way you live but you take all reasonable precautions to safeguard your life.

The 9/11 horror was a big shock to the American people, they had never been targeted in this way before not even during the wars. Always American troops had left America's shores to fight but bombing raids, fear of them, civilians deaths in the hundreds of thousands had never came to America so when something like the Twin Towers etc happens it's a very nasty shock and the security people, quite rightly, are determined it doesn't happen again but are going about it the wrong way. Don't forget the Israelis have had years of practice maybe even millenia in working out who is hostile who is not.

The security people are checking everyone because no one wants to be the person who let someone through because they seemed harmless and then blew up an aircraft. The bosses are on their backs to check everything because of that fear. This type of thing is relatively new to American security personnel and they are having problems getting it right. In the UK we've had terrorists on one kind or another attacking us for a very long time so have had time to learn what works and what doesn't. There's still learning to be done of course but we don't get freaked in quite the same way as Americans anymore. With us it tends to be a sigh and a resigned 'here we go again' then 'up theirs' sort of thing.

You need a load of posters around the place stating "Keep calm and carry on"

I see security people who are are panicking because they haven't the confidence in their training nor have they caught the blitz spirit way of thinking about things.

I will agree with this as part of the problem, for sure.

The 9/11 horror was a big shock to the American people, they had never been targeted in this way before not even during the wars.

Other than Perl Harbor, you are right. We are not as experienced in being attacked as many European nations are.

I like this sign, it may help some.
I will agree with this as part of the problem, for sure.

Other than Perl Harbor, you are right. We are not as experienced in being attacked as many European nations are.

I like this sign, it may help some.

You can get mugs, posters and t shirts with that slogan on lol! It's from the Second World War, though not used then. Others were.

I'm sad that Americans are having to learn to live with this security, I would wish it otherwise.
Pearl Harbour sadly though an attack is thought of as a military target so there's few lessons that can be learnt from it for civilian security.

Chins up guys!

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