US Airways flight 1549 crashes in Hudson


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
Reaction score
Oneonta, NY
Apparently they had a bird strike and lost an engine. Full story here. ABC and CNN are reporting that all passengers and crew have been rescued. Kudos to the pilot for keeping the plane in one piece, and to local ferry crews who were apparently on-scene within minutes to assist in the rescue.
The pilot is truly a hero! I have been watching from the onset. I have flown a million times and this truly is a miracle for these folks and us!
Bob Quinn
The pilot is truly a hero! I have been watching from the onset. I have flown a million times and this truly is a miracle for these folks and us!
Bob Quinn

Couldn't have said it better. Bravo to the pilot and crew for saving all those lives!
According to the latest news everyone is alive and accounted for. The pilot pulled off a minor miracle.
pretty much yeah.

he needs to become an instructor so he can share what are clearly superior skills
The pilot is truly a hero! I have been watching from the onset. I have flown a million times and this truly is a miracle for these folks and us!
Bob Quinn

This si is the best way of saying it.
This is the guy you want with you when the %&*# hits the fan.
He walked up and down the plane to make sure everyone was out. This guy has what it takes.

Bob Quinn
I was chatting with some aeronautical engineers at lunch today and they talked a bit about the extent to which planes are designed to survive crashes--less so than cars, actually, but even still it's pretty amazing...
Kudos to the pilot. I'm glad that all turned out well, with no serious injuries. My paper had a few articles on this, but in one, they interviewed another US Airways pilot, who stated that he was flying with "Sully" on trip from Toronto Pittsburgh and the plane had a hydraulic failure. He said that Sully was completely calm during that event. :ultracool

The man is certainly a hero!
You know in my opinion very few people are true hero's. However this gentleman who just saved all those people and impacted not only their lives but all of their family and friends lives is simply a true hero! When I watched that happen yesterday and saw the break down later in the evening I was still amazed and inspired by his actions. I hope to be lucky enough to meet him and buy him a drink some day!
There's a saying in the RAF that any landing you walk away from is a good landing and this certain was one of the best! Well done that man!

Incidentally all passenger planes in the RAF have the seating turned so that you face the back of the plane for extra safety, perhaps it's time that civvie planes did too.
Incidentally all passenger planes in the RAF have the seating turned so that you face the back of the plane for extra safety, perhaps it's time that civvie planes did too.
They could but the extra cost to turn all those seats around could raise airfares. Of course newer planes could be designed with rearward facing seats but I think folks would need time to adjust.