URL Link Test


Have the courage to speak softly
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I know that sometimes things that are on the BBC site are 'locked' for UK consumption only and that, occasionally, we, the British viewers don't necessarily know if a link to a video will work or not for our American friends.

Here is a link to part of the intro to this weeks first ever Indian Grand Prix; let me know if it works or not :D

Thanks Jim, good to know :tup:. Now I know that the links will work for you chaps I can share some more. What I don't yet know is how long the links will stay 'active'. Fingers crossed that the BBC keeps them alive for a good while before they fall out of the archive.
Noooo! I have to pay for this BBC site with my licence fee then why is everyone around the world allowed to access it. I detest BBC policy / management and journalism. I perceive NO impartial journalism nor higher quality than any other global news stations that I view. I have to tune to RT and Al Jazeera to get the full picture of any global news now, even stories about English politics. Yet I am paying so the rest of the world can access for free? Pffft.. Rubbish BBC.
Noooo! I have to pay for this BBC site with my licence fee then why is everyone around the world allowed to access it. I detest BBC policy / management and journalism. I perceive NO impartial journalism nor higher quality than any other global news stations that I view. I have to tune to RT and Al Jazeera to get the full picture of any global news now, even stories about English politics. Yet I am paying so the rest of the world can access for free? Pffft.. Rubbish BBC.

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there, if you click on 'Webradio einschalten' you get free radio the good Germans pay for via fees and taxes! :)
We thank you for your contribution!


there, if you click on 'Webradio einschalten' you get free radio the good Germans pay for via fees and taxes! :)
Yes and but that is entirely senden in deutsche? That is very inconsiderate of them lol :D Ah no I am not annoyed that anyone can access BBC content only I AM continually annoyed that I have to pay £145 (about $230) per year for the "gift" of receiving BBC whether I want it or not - as does everyone in the UK with a television.
Yes and but that is entirely senden in deutsche? That is very inconsiderate of them lol :D Ah no I am not annoyed that anyone can access BBC content only I AM continually annoyed that I have to pay £145 (about $230) per year for the "gift" of receiving BBC whether I want it or not - as does everyone in the UK with a television.

Same with my mom. She has to pay her share for the privilege to not watch TV. :)
So you can listen to the radio on her Euro ;) (But since they play mostly music, the German thing is not too annoying :D)
I know that sometimes things that are on the BBC site are 'locked' for UK consumption only and that, occasionally, we, the British viewers don't necessarily know if a link to a video will work or not for our American friends.

Here is a link to part of the intro to this weeks first ever Indian Grand Prix; let me know if it works or not :D


Thank you so much for that! I don't vigorously follow F1, but I like auto racing in general and loved watching the clip!
You are most welcome, good lady :bows:. Somewhat inspired by the recent thread about non-MA hobbies, as well as a test to see if the videos embedded in the BBC's pages would play 'abroad', I was also curious to see if there were any fellow petrol-heads here at MT.
Noooo! I have to pay for this BBC site with my licence fee then why is everyone around the world allowed to access it. I detest BBC policy / management and journalism. I perceive NO impartial journalism nor higher quality than any other global news stations that I view. I have to tune to RT and Al Jazeera to get the full picture of any global news now, even stories about English politics. Yet I am paying so the rest of the world can access for free? Pffft.. Rubbish BBC.
Thank you for paying my way, Jenna.
You are most welcome, good lady :bows:. Somewhat inspired by the recent thread about non-MA hobbies, as well as a test to see if the videos embedded in the BBC's pages would play 'abroad', I was also curious to see if there were any fellow petrol-heads here at MT.

Anytime you want to post about racing or cars in general, I'd be happy to take a look :D

Oh, and more music clips please, you have some very talented friends :)

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