Um, Sterwardess? Clean shorts please!

Scary but ultimately not hazardous - I know that sounds insane, especially looking as spectacular as it did, but without a path to earth you are perfectly safe.

Planes get struck by lightning on a regular basis, it just doesn't normally happen so close to take-off whilst on camera :lol:.
You cant get "zapped" unless you are grounded. Hang from a high tension line and you are fine. Have some "good samaritan" Try and get you down with a pole and ZZZAAAPPP!!!
This sort of thing however will ruin your whole day:

Ever since she's seen this, my missus frets herself silly everytime I go on site.
You have one of those wives too? Mine gets antsy everytime the weather gets icy. Good to be loved, huh?

Yeah, I know that grounding is needed for there to be an actual electrocution but, man, can you imagine being in the plane when it hit?
:eek: - you make me blush, sir, for my deeply loving missus is what is colloquialy termed a Common Law Wife i.e. we live together but, as yet, no rings and ceremony.

As she doesn't visit here tho' I can say that that will change shortly as I have now saved enough to get a ring that won't embarass me.

Now I just have to find the right occaison ...
That is very good news, indeed! I wish you the absolute best of luck in your endeavor. It really surprised me when I proposed to Erica how very much my insides felt like I was in a fight/flight situation. I truly believe that when a man proposes to a woman the brain releases the same chemicals that it releases in a self defense situation!:)