UK costs Iroquois lacrosse team championship play over passports.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free

The British government said Wednesday the team wouldn't be allowed to travel to England to play the sport the Iroquois helped invent unless members accept U.S. or Canadian passports.

Crowley described the decision as unsurprising, and he said both governments share the view that the Iroquois ultimately must have internationally recognized travel documents.

What? The rest of the world doesn't recognize the "We're a sovereign nation, when it's convenient to us" approach? And, all this over passports that lack security features, are easily forged, and recognized by almost no one.

Oh, and Canada also is being a big meanie head:
According to Passport Canada, the Canadian passport issued by Ottawa is the only “official” document for travel abroad.

Next thing you know, you'll be able to travel abroad with a Conch Republic passport. Sheesh.
Let them be a nation then. Let's cut off all the aid to them as well.

How f'ing stupid can you be?
I'm all for letting them all be fully independent. Put up customs stations, issue passports, set up some duty-free shops, etc.
It's an interesting question, and I don't think the answer is all that black-and-white. The British dealt with the Native American tribes as foreign nations, and signed treaties with them as it would any foreign nation. The USA followed suit when it took over after the US Revolution. The USA recognizes many tribes as having sovereign status, and although they are not exactly treated like foreign nations (all American Indians are US citizens at birth, even if born on their respective Reservations), their nations do have a similar level of autonomy as the various states.

Indian nations often have their own tribal court systems, they are immune from federal taxation (it's in the Constitution), and I have seen various signs of Indian sovereignty over the years, like Native American license plates and driver's licenses issued by various tribes, etc.

As to not giving them federal money, I suppose we could do that. We could also give back the Black Hills, which technically belong to them. Or pay them the 700 billion we agreed to pay them, but refuse to give to them. Your call.
I'm all for letting them all be fully independent. Put up customs stations, issue passports, set up some duty-free shops, etc.

I take it you've never been a smoker, eh? Buying cigarettes on the rez used to be one of life's great pleasures, since Uncle Sam didn't get his 1.50 of the 2.00 price of a pack. Now I understand that's changing and the government will begin taxing Indian smokeshops on the rez. I dunno, I quit six years ago.
I think the problem is not so much the passports but the 'one time' waiver, the UK government is concerned that if they let them in the US government may not let them back and they become our responsibilty. I wouldn't mind taking a couple home if thats what they were worried about :ultracool

I take it you've never been a smoker, eh? Buying cigarettes on the rez used to be one of life's great pleasures, since Uncle Sam didn't get his 1.50 of the 2.00 price of a pack. Now I understand that's changing and the government will begin taxing Indian smokeshops on the rez. I dunno, I quit six years ago.
Never smoked. I enjoy fresh air too much.
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The Iroquois passport is issued to the nationals of the Iroquois League (Iroquois: Haudenosaunee) in accordance with agreements between the League and the United States Department of State, Canada, the United Kingdom and other nations.[1] Like the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Iroquois League does not currently possess sovereignty over any territory. However unlike the SMOM, the League is not recognised by any state as a distinct entity under international law, and thus its passports are merely accepted as a courtesy rather than out of diplomatic obligation.

The Iroquois passports are partly handwritten and lack the holograms and other technological features that guard against forgeries.

A team of Iroquois lacrosse players who have been blocked from travelling to a tournament in Britain because they refuse to use US or Canadian passports has bowed out of the competition.
Manager Ansley Jemison said the team no longer has time to travel to the tournament in Manchester, which ends next Saturday.

Here's a tip: Get real passports that meet current international requirements. Hint: They aren't handwritten with a stapled on polaroid shot.
I doubt it. Al Quida's faking current US docs with ease.

Here's a tip: Get real passports that meet current international requirements. Hint: They aren't handwritten with a stapled on polaroid shot.

My US Passport is "partially hand-written," and I had the photo for it taken at a local Walgreens Drug Store for a dollar. It's perfectly valid. My first drivers license didn't even have a photo on it, also perfectly legal.
But do they meet -current- standards?
But do they meet -current- standards?

My US Passport is still valid. As of next year, it will be expired, and then I'll have to get one of the new passports with 'biometric' identifiers in it. I'll try to make a freaky face at the camera for the photo, though. And although it won't show up in the head-and-shoulders shot, you can bet I'll be extending my middle finger towards the camera.
So, it doesn't meet the standards.

Actually, they might reject the funny face too....I found the folks doing the passport paperwork at least locally to lack a sense of humor.

The girl who did my pic at Walgreens though laughed her *** off. :)

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