I probably sound like a coward, but I can't bring myself to watch the video. I have three small children and this is the stuff of nightmares.
That being said, I was on a busy street with a ton of cars and saw a motorcycle get t-boned. I pulled over (my children were not with me) and helped a woman keep her leg still while waiting for emergency crews. Her foot was almost completely severed, and she was in massive pain. I felt it was my duty to help, since I was closest to the incident and was able to help. Sure, 30+ other people were around, but since I was ABLE to be by her side right away, I just DID. It was only afterwards that I thought about the consequences, such as handling someone else's blood without gloves (it was unavoidable, her injuries were so bad, but I suppose I could have chosen to just call rather than hold her hand, etc). I even worried about getting sued for NOT doing more, if she lost her life. I wonder if these passersby on the street worried about the same things, or if they just didn't care, or if they just didn't notice that something was actually wrong with the girl, so wrapped up in their own worlds they seem.
But the situation I found myself helping at was also the stuff of nightmares, since I don't even prefer gory movies if given the choice.
I hope the people who ignored her are haunted by their own indifference, and have nightmares too.