Two minutes and twelve seconds of ignominious fail

Aye, that is one of the major aims of training. I always describe it as having a toolbox of techniques at your disposal. Your body is the executor of those techniques, your brain decides which is the right one to use.

As with an army, a General who overthinks second-guesses himself into immobility. So you train so that your mind is quiescent, allowing the body to defend, waiting until it sees a 'snapshot' of opportunity that it has seen before in training and then, "bam", the order to act is given. Right technique at the right moment.
Spent about 30 minutes last night talking (well chatting on facebook) with the guy I sparred at the tournament. Really nice guy. I asked when he started karate, he said 1973. I was LITERALLY in diapers when he started. A shade less than 6 years experience vs 37 years experience? Yeah... Well, that explains that.
:chuckles: Aye, a thirty year edge in training and experience will certainly make a difference :tup:.
Nothing is a failure as long as you did your best and learned from it.

Congrats man, way to hang in there, Tournaments can be taxing.
How did point sparring become so popular? What does it really prove?

It became popular because you can do it with less chance of hurting people, thereby broadening the group of people willing to participate in the event.

As for what it proves, not much, it shows you can win given a particular ruleset, no different than any other sport. I don't think a Judo match, an Olympic TKD match, MMA match, or a fencing bout prove anything either.
Spent about 30 minutes last night talking (well chatting on facebook) with the guy I sparred at the tournament. Really nice guy. I asked when he started karate, he said 1973. I was LITERALLY in diapers when he started. A shade less than 6 years experience vs 37 years experience? Yeah... Well, that explains that.

The older black belt divisions are funny that way, and fun to play with if you are the "kid" in the division, sort of like watching the big eyes of the recently 18 year old black belt in the regular adult division for the first time, fighting against guys who have been judging him since he was a little pun... kid. :D
The Tournaments I have been to, the black belts judge kata all day and then are told to spar...there is always that one guy that didn't how up until sparring, self promoters.
You gave it your best!

and like has been said before if this was real life or full contact sparring you would
have knocked his head clean off!!

I also am not a big proponent of point-sparring, we do very little to none in the dojo
and I do not expect or push my students to compete in it when tournaments come around!

Very good job, keep it up!


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