Hi Everyone,
Tuhon Ray Dionaldo will be in Las Vegas, Nevada from May 12th - 15th, 2005 and is accepting requests for group and private sessons.
For more information, please email him at Ray@fcskali.com.
About Tuhon Ray:
Tuhon Ray Dionaldo will be in Las Vegas, Nevada from May 12th - 15th, 2005 and is accepting requests for group and private sessons.
For more information, please email him at Ray@fcskali.com.
About Tuhon Ray:
- Co-Author of the book, Filipino Combat Systems: An Introduction to an Ancient Art for Modern Times
- A Tuhon of SAYOC FIGHTING SYSTEMS along with Tuhon Felix Cortes and Tuhon Bob Torres.
- Founder and head of Filipino Combat Systems Organization and Martial Arts System.
- Owner & Head instructor, Filipino Combat Systems Headquarters, Tampa, FL.
- President, Warrior Craft Blades.
- Cast Member, "Art of War" Martial Arts Demo Team
- Official Knifemaker for The Sayoc International Group
- Official Southern U.S. Representative for Sayoc Kali/Silak. Appointed by Tuhon Christopher Sayoc.
- One of the few blade instructors to be officially endorsed by Grand Master Remy Presas.
- Teaching Flilpino Martial Arts seminars, world wide. Specializing in bladed weapons.
- Defensive tactics instructor for REDLINE BLUELINE Tactical Training Services