Trouble logging in


I recently tried posting from my home network and received some sort of odd "you don't have authorization....forbidden" warning and now I get "web page unavailable" when I try to access the forum. I can still post from my cell phone.

I tried a cookie dump to no avail. Ideas?

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2
You've most likely been blocked by the firewall. As I said in the email I sent out to all members on June 14th, please see below:

If you did not get the email, check your spam filter has MartialTalk white listed, and that the email address on file is accurate.


On June 10th we migrated the MartialTalk community to a new web server. While the move was pretty smooth, some members have reported access problems. If you are having problems accessing MartialTalk, are receiving "Site Not Found" errors, can't pull up the forum or main site in your browser, please let us know.

To help us help you, please do the following:
1- Visit This site will give you your IP address.
2- email your username, your IP address and a description of your problem to this address:

Allow 24 hours for resolution.

Thank you,
Bob Hubbard - Admin
You are receiving this email as a registered member of To unsubscribe, please go to your USERCP under "Options" and uncheck "Receive Email from Administrators".
PO Box 1372
Buffalo, NY 14220
(716) XXX-XXXX
What's odd is that all was well till I tried posting to the "Zimmerman Ground and Pound" thread. After that it went out on me....

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2
Some combination of words triggered a filter. It's simple string match system, effective but prone to false positives. I'm currently manually matching a couple hundred blocked IP's against our members list to see if anyone got locked out but hasn't said anything yet.

It's.....tedious. The alternative is lots of spam and Chinese hackers. (We've blocked over 2,000 addresses from China in the past month)