Training while sick...


Black Belt
Apr 30, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Does anyone train while they are sick? I normally do unless I just can't get out of bed.

Why? Because Mr. Ugly Human isn't going to wait until I feel my best to attack me. I'll probably catch some flack from the, but you'll get everyone else sick people (that's what happens with families) or the but your immune system is down people. But I do believe that training sick has its place and it's one less excuse to not train. Do you have to pace yourself? Of course, but once again that is an internal environment you may not have considered. Just some thoughts from a Kenpo crazy, as adults do what is best for you.

jb :asian:
I've done it before. My personal experience is that while it
normally takes me 2 hours to calm down and relax afterwards,
it takes me up to 4 while sick. And often times, I've ended up
more sick the next day. This is for fever sicknesses. A cold, no
problem, I usually feel much better after a good sweat. Diarhea
can pose a problem, especially if you're doing parting wings or
a similar tech :D But I still go. I've even gone with a hyper
extended elbow. But doing it when you have a fever can be
damaging. Do females go, when they feel "not so fresh" :rofl:
Originally posted by Kirk
Do females go, when they feel "not so fresh" :rofl:

Alert! Alert!

Perfectly good thread converted into crap...

Kirk, You're so bad. ;) If we can work out during that time of the month with cramps and all, you can work out when you're sick. I wouldn't miss my training for anything. I was a step away from throwing up the other night at class and literally willed myself not to . It was touch and go for a while though:)
I usually work out when I'm sick, since usually I feel a bit better after the workout.

Then I feel like crap again soon after.

I think the workout helps keep my mind off the aches, pains, and other unpleasantness of whatever malady I'm suffering from at the moment.

When I workout sick I also feel better during the workout, after i get warmed up. Then after it is over I go back to being sick again. But it is worth it every time!
Only time I will not train if sick is if I have, er, stomach problems.

Originally posted by jbkenpo
Does anyone train while they are sick? I normally do unless I just can't get out of bed.

jb :asian:

I had a concussion last year and couldn't do anything...I think things like that its just best to let things like take their course. I continued to have the "brain pain" for a few weeks and the doctor told me to do nothing.
I have also laid off because of sinus infection, loosing equlibrium and having a throbbing headache leaning over sometimes gets to be too much with the sinus problems. Yeah the bad guy wanting your wallet doesnt care, but you also need to let your body recover sometimes.
I think a concussion falls under 'training while injured', which is another matter entirely.

I got sidelined for about 6 weeks due to a severed tendon in my hand. Definitely wasn't going to risk a permanent disability by screwing with the healing process.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
I think a concussion falls under 'training while injured', which is another matter entirely.

I got sidelined for about 6 weeks due to a severed tendon in my hand. Definitely wasn't going to risk a permanent disability by screwing with the healing process.


Yeah very good point! I have always lumped sick/injured into one grouping maybe because you arent training. Shows me to think that way ;)
I usually train when I am sick, though I won't push myself as hard. I once went to class with a 104 degree temperature, and was a bit lightheaded, but made it through OK. In retrospect it was stupid, but I was pretty focused on training at the time.

I'd like to think I am smarter about injuries, but in that same period I started training one week after an appendectomy. If something is really bothering me I will just warm up and then assist by teaching, it keeps my mind in the class.

Originally posted by Blindside
I once went to class with a 104 degree temperature,


I'm guessing having the plague would be one that even a hardass like myself might excuse.

In his book "Karate-do, my way of life" Master Gichin Funakoshi (fonder of Shotokan Karate-do) talks about this and says that he feels that doing a good hard workout while ill is just what the doctor ordered. (heavily paraphrased mindyou) He describes getting into his dojo and sweating the sickness out. Of course he also describes his practices of getting ontop of a house during a monsoon and practicing forms.... not something I'd tell my students.... not if I wanted to keep my insurance that is.

Your Brother
I always train unless by doing so I'd make myself much worse (sinus infection w/ balance problems, high fever). Hydration...

As for "not feeling fresh"- pfft!:p A good time to hit someone, believe me.
I do practice while sick. Although I won't go into the studio if I have some contageous something or another. That would be plain rude and I'd hope everyone else would do the same.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I do practice while sick. Although I won't go into the studio if I have some contageous something or another. That would be plain rude and I'd hope everyone else would do the same.
Damn Skippy, rude kenpoist are not to be tolerated!:D
I know there's plenty of times when I don't feel up to par with the cold weather and getting dark so early in the winter.. to go to the studio.. but go I do and 99.9% of the time I feel 110% better after I work out.. gets the endorphins flowing and what a great natural pain reliever that is.. so as long as you're not risking someone else's health.. I strongly suggest .. Go for it :)
Always feel better when leaving. It's nice to be able to hit someone without fear of getting in trouble.:)
Dont you think that showing up at the studio sick is only going to spread the virus to your training partners. At our studio, if you showed up visibly ill, you were sent home. We all respected that.