Training Tomahawk and NEW Training Knife


Blue Belt
Founding Member
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
My Training Tomahawk was featured in the Paladin Press book "Tomahawks: Traditional to Tactical" by David Grant.

I also just designed a new Training Knife patterned after the 1805 Hudson River Red Handled Trade knife. I am exited about it.

The Tomahawk is $20USD
The Knife is $12 USD

You can see them at

Jeremy Bays
Thanks again to all...
Who would like to see a Bowie version of this knife and "about" what size would you like to see the training blade?

My favorite Bowie that I train with has a 12 inch blade. I love it because it is slightly shorter than my training partners blade (his is about 13-14 inches) and I can move it a little quicker.
Jeremy Bays
Although I have an association with TAK knives, who competes with Jeremy, I have to say that back when I was operating my school I purchased a quanity of the tomahawk trainers and found them to be very useful when having to buy a quanity of affordable trainers for large numbers of students. The price is really right. I found them to be really adaptable to being padded for some moderate speed sparing. From my perspective and humble opinion, Bowie Knife Trainers are like Bowie Knife Instructors, there are lots and lots of them. I would try some long knife shapes from the 18th/19th Century that would fit the mold for use with the tomahawk. Hell, you do good work, do what you want. BTW tell Iklawson that I would appreciate him answering my email about this video foolishness.

Good luck with your projects and training

All My Best
Reference Bowie Knife Trainers..... For me Bowies should be BIG and WIDE I like 13 inch blades.

Ok, I am like a schoolboy glowing with pride.
I received this video of the Okichitaw Native Martial Arts system instructor master Lepine using my Training Tomahawks as throwing weapons. I did not really design them to be thrown but man it looks SWEET and he does a great job. The clip is on at

You can check out the Native Martial Arts System at their website

Jeremy Bays
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