Training to do the splits


Orange Belt
Jan 26, 2006
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I'm a 24 yr, male looking to be able to do the splits, what is some good techiques to get this done? Other then stretching everyday and sucking up the pain?
Are there any other types of stretches out there that might be of some help?

Thanks for the replies.
Hmm well you have two options...

First: Punch self in groin and run into pointy objects about groin height. Take on the innate ability of female flexability and reduce your training for doing the splits in half..


Second: Lots of the following. The good old fashion attempting to do the splits. The best way is to wedge your back against a wall. Spread your legs as far as possible and try to lean forward to touch your chest to the floor.... Gonna hurt like hell but really is a good stretch for the ligaments in your hip area. Then after that do the some other stuff to stretch out those upper thigh/hip ligements. The trick is no jerk movements. Constant pressure and be gentle...Its gonna take a long time, 3-4 months at least. Good luck man, its gonna be a tough road.
Hello, Have you heard of "Thomas Kurz"? He wrote two great books on how to do the splits.

"Secrets of Stretching" and "Stretching scientficlly". Great reading! ...Make alot of sense! and he believes everyone can achieve the splits.

I can only do one far. .........Aloha
While you're stretching, feel and contemplate the specific muscle groups that are barriers to getting it done, then be sure to work those ones more. I found that, though I couldn't do the splits, I could get down into a deep groin stretch that indicated the groin wasn't the issue.

Something else to consider - what value is there is being able to do the splits if you aren't able to kick that high with balance and power? You need to have developed the strength and balance to use your splits capabilities effectively.

To train these qualities, I stand on one leg, then move through a specific kicking motion very slowly, until I'm at full leg extension. I then attempt to hold that position (use side kick, for example) for as long as I can remain there. I also try to continue to raise the leg higher as I hold it - taking it as far as it will go. Focus on balance and stability. Do this regularly, and you'll see results.

Something else I do is stand with my feet slightly wider than shoulder width, bend my knees slightly, ensure that my weight is equally distributed, and try to draw my feet together. It can't be done, but does work the "squeeze" muscle of the groin. This is to add to your balance, grounding, and overall core strength.

These two types of exercises added to your regular stretching regimen may help.

Don't ever, ever stretch until it hurts. You're only damaging yourself and reducing your progress.

Above all, have patience, and remember that once you finally get there, unless you maintain it, you'll lose it. I did.
I went to a Bill Wallace seminar in 1991 or '92. The technique I learned there have helped me ever since. Maybe it will help you.

Sit on the floor with your legs open 90 degrees. Set a timer for 2-3 minutes. Just relax (don't bounce) watch tv or read. When the timer is up, put 1 hand on the floor behind you & 1 in front. Move your legs open just one inch. Set the timer again for 2-3 minutes. When the timer goes off, move another inch. (No more than that at a time. Even if you think you can). Do this for 20-30 minutes every night.

Wallace's idea is that as your muscles relax, they will stretch. When you're in that position, move to each side & gently pull your body to your leg for 30 seconds of your 2-3 minutes. You don't need to force it. You may never have "perfect" stretch, but this will help you regardless of your "max" is.

I've never been very flexible. This helped me a lot. Once I learned that stretching is a process, it helped me a great deal.
can you say "double hip replacement surgery" ? because you may need to later on in life if you overstretch your joints. just my 2p worth..

Just a friendly suggestion...

If it hurts...stop! You should feel some discomfort, but keep in mind.. pain is your body's way of telling you something is terribly wrong.
celtic_crippler said:
Just a friendly suggestion...

If it hurts...stop! You should feel some discomfort, but keep in mind.. pain is your body's way of telling you something is terribly wrong.

Really would recommend not trying to do the splits. What's your goal for this? Will it make you a better practioner?

My girlfriend's sister was a trained gymnast while she was growing up she now has very bad hip joints (she is 24) and suffers with them every day. Her doctors have said that she will inevitably need hip operations when (and that is a when) they get worse.

I dont recall seeing any of the grand masters in the old black and white photos doing the splits.

There will always be people trying to capitalise on this area with books, videos and devices, but I would seriously question the long term benefits over the short term "gains"!
Jesse said:
I'm a 24 yr, male looking to be able to do the splits, what is some good techiques to get this done? Other then stretching everyday and sucking up the pain?
Are there any other types of stretches out there that might be of some help?

Thanks for the replies.

One thing I'd suggest is making sure that you're warmed up very good before you do any stretching. You'll find that you'll get a better stretch this way. I'd also take it slow. Doing a split is something that just may not happen for everyone, due to genetics. I certainly wouldn't stretch to the point where you're putting yourself in serious pain.

My hips hurt like hell now from all the stretching in the past........and I happened to be quite flexible.
I don't see the need for kicking higher than thigh height and I get too dizzy doing jumping spinning back kicks.
At 24 I pretty much thought my body was indestructible.......10 years later I'm paying for it.
BlackCatBonz said:
My hips hurt like hell now from all the stretching in the past........and I happened to be quite flexible.
I don't see the need for kicking higher than thigh height and I get too dizzy doing jumping spinning back kicks.
At 24 I pretty much thought my body was indestructible.......10 years later I'm paying for it.

Ditto...I could never do the splits totally, but years ago that was a foolish goal and I'm paying for it now with bad hips...whats the point? Doing the splits may look impressive to those around you in class, but kicks higher than the waist (or even chest level to be generous) are not a good idea in a real life situation, IMO. Flash is great in the pan, but too much flash in the pan ends in a piece of charcoal for dinner.
hey thanks for all the replies

ya I think I'm going to skip on the splits. I never really thought about the long term effects. I don't want to need a replacement hip when I'm old and wrinkled.

I'll just maintain the flexiblity that I have now and then I'll try some of those techniques that flatlander had suggested.

Thanks again everyone
Jesse said:
hey thanks for all the replies

ya I think I'm going to skip on the splits. I never really thought about the long term effects. I don't want to need a replacement hip when I'm old and wrinkled.

I'll just maintain the flexiblity that I have now and then I'll try some of those techniques that flatlander had suggested.

Thanks again everyone

Not a bad idea, Jesse. As has been mentioned, hip replacement surgery is a strong likely hood for those who major on it. (Wallace & Chuck Norris are 2 good examples. Van Damme is a good candidate, too). The techniques I talked about have helped me maintain flexibility, but I'm not at full split & never intend to push it that far. Moderation is the key with it.
Jesse said:
I'm a 24 yr, male looking to be able to do the splits, what is some good techiques to get this done? Other then stretching everyday and sucking up the pain?
Are there any other types of stretches out there that might be of some help?

Thanks for the replies.
Go to this website he has one of the best stretching routines I have seen and it does work. Then go to and


order this video: or go to and order this video:
beau_safken said:
Hmm well you have two options...

First: Punch self in groin and run into pointy objects about groin height. Take on the innate ability of female flexability and reduce your training for doing the splits in half..


Second: Lots of the following. The good old fashion attempting to do the splits. The best way is to wedge your back against a wall. Spread your legs as far as possible and try to lean forward to touch your chest to the floor.... Gonna hurt like hell but really is a good stretch for the ligaments in your hip area. Then after that do the some other stuff to stretch out those upper thigh/hip ligements. The trick is no jerk movements. Constant pressure and be gentle...Its gonna take a long time, 3-4 months at least. Good luck man, its gonna be a tough road.

stretching your ligaments is something you definately dont want to do.
stretch AFTER your class.

if you stretch then practice kicking then you will maintain the level of streching that you already have.
but if you stretch, practice, then stretch when you are warmed up, then you will quickly develop more flexibility and you will be able to do splits anyway you like.

in old-school sumo dojos, and more traditional ones know adays acctuly get you to do the splits. how they pop the little tendon that keeps normal people from being able to. or they get it done surgicly. so i guess going to japan, finding a sumo school, and paying them to is an option. or the safer road, of getting it done for you. but i think you already need to be pretty flexible or there are some... um... negitive side effects.