I really do not like rubber as per pesilat's point they bend and
that is a feature I really do not care for! After that I like a nice
mix of: wood and aluminum! Wood gives you a different feel than
aluminum but aluminum is the next closest thing to the real thing
in terms of look and feel! Both are durable and dependable in that
you know what you are getting with each! Wood generally is
cheaper than aluminum which is an advantage when teaching a
large crowd and you are supplying the training tools! Aluminum,
while more expensive if you find the right person selling them can
still be pretty reasonable! Recently I picked up six fabulously done
aluminum trainers from our own MartialTalk member Bill Bednarick!
Best of all the price was right! Bottom line in my opinion wood and
aluminum are the best. I do however have some fantastic rattan &
leather training tools out of Japan that are also wonderful for
training purposes, but they are
costly! See this site:
www.timbathurst.net for info regarding these training tools!
Good question!
Brian R. VanCise