Too much, or just me?


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Someone in our area is teaching a TKD class for toddlers (3 & 4 year olds). However, they are charging $42/month for only 1/2 hour a week. I think that fee is excessive for what amounts to two hours of training a month. My wife seems to think that the high fee is due to the young age of the students. I can understand where some consideration should be taken for the instructor(s) having to deal with very young children, but I think the price is still two high for only 1/2 a week.


ages 3 and 4? I wonder if they even realize why they are in the room at the time makng tiny high kicks with their tiny, i wonder if the class breaks in the middle for nap time :D

but seriously ya it does seem slightly over the top. thats about 20 bucks an hour. WAY to much. 1/2 hour a week if a lunch break for gods sake, how much managin needs to be done in the one 1/2 hour in a week. Not much, i wonder how much they learn in that 1/2. I bet if the kids sudenly stoped going they wouldn't even realize it, hell i bet by the time the next class comes along they have completly forgoten what the hell TKD is, IF THEY EVER KNEW IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

in conclusion yes major rip off.
I have a 4 year old son and we mess around but I would never pay for him to take lessons he's much too young to grasp the concept.

$42.00 per month for a 1/2 hr. a week is robery! The dojo I attend only charges $40.00 per. month and your allowed to attend 4 classes per week at 1 1/2 hrs. per class.

Yeah, I think they're charging too much, but my wife put doubts in my head because of the age of the students. Still, $42/month for only 2 hours/month is just too damn much. I think I'll just wait until she's five and start training her myself.

this one is easy to figure out. just think of an amount that you would pay a babysitter to watch your child for 1/2 hour a week, and that's what they should be charging...because at that age, the school/studio/dojo/dojang is pretty much just a glorified daycare center.
All in all, I think that's kinda young to train, But we do have a 4 yr old and one that turned 5 not long ago, They both know the Kenpo Creed verbatim, the 4yo is working on his 2nd five yellow belt tecs, the 5 yo is a yellow belt (his dad trains with us too) But I think these 2 kids are the exception to the rule. They are special people and My hat's off to them :) In 99% of the cases of parents wanting to enroll their tots that young... we let them try for a class or so, and watch them, and by the end of the trial period.. it's generally.. "They aren't quite ready" I would have to say.. 3 yrs old is no way ready..
As far as the expense.. we charge the same for the kids as we do the adults, though the kids classes are 3 hours a week, adults 5 hours. That price you're talking sounds kinda steep. But as long as people are paying it..
I know our student instructors get frazzled at times with the youngsters.. But most of them are college students themselves and a few in the Education field. It's just part of their training.. logging hours.. be it kids or adults .. Teaching is Learning Twice :)
I believe that children of that age cannot possibly learn martial arts. This guy has simply found a way to seperate fools from their money.
Originally posted by yilisifu
I believe that children of that age cannot possibly learn martial arts. This guy has simply found a way to seperate fools from their money.

That is a (unofficial backroom) motto at my company in upper management.

Find a fool with money and find a way to take it away from them.
They may need lots of supervisors, so the expenses may be high.

I am thinking of getting a greencard, going to the Beverley Hills area and teaching Poodle Tae Bo. Could be money to be made that way.
Personally...I don't see a problem with it...if the kids are receptive...retentive & and willing to learn (although very limited at this age) then why not...parents would pay for some other activty any way...I don't think putting a three or four year old boy/girl in dance or some other thing just beacuse that is all there is to put him or her into is fair to the child. If momo and dad are willing to pay the money & see the results and value in this then who are we to question the price?.....besides I don't know how many of you have taught little ones but it can be a real challenge at time!
Teaching a TKD class for toddlers (3 & 4 year olds)? As was previously stated, this sounds like nothing more than a daycare center with a new diversion. Kids that young are, IMO, too young to begin training in the MAs. One is better off wasting their money on one of those Mommy and me classes.

Seriously though, it's scams like this that gives my beloved Art a black eye, and invokes derision among our fellow (non-TKD) MA practitioners... :mad:
$42.00 a month for 3 and 4 year olds? sounds like the instructor has finally perfected the technique called "Grasping Wallet":D :shrug:
Ferengi rule of acquisition:

Never let a fool keep his money.

however, you couldn't pay me enough to handle a class full of preschoolers!
Sounds high to me, NAPMA should have statistics on "normal" prices.
That's what it is. I was gonna say DAYCARE, but 1/2 hour per week isn't daycare- though it seems to be priced inline with daycare (those folks RAPE ya).

3-4 year olds, with the odd exception, are not learning any martial art. They are having fun punching, kicking, and jumping around. It doesn't seem likely that you will see any 4yo performing a complete Tae Geuk form, or remembering any self-defense technique that is more than one step long. They'll learn more about self-defense wrestling with neighbor kids in the yard.

I would say save your money- you no doubt have many places it could be put to better use.
Who the hell would pay someone $42 a month to have someone babysit their kid for 2 hours total?!

Let common sense be your guide on this one.

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