Today is, "A Day of Action"?

Jeff Boler

Blue Belt
Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Frankfort, KY

I guess we should all be glued to CNN tonight to watch this unfold. Quite frankly, I think this will hurt their efforts instead of help them. But I guess that remains to be seen.
As long as they keep it a nonviolent protest, I don't see why it should harm their cause.... I tend to watch PBS for my news coverage, I'll check it out tonight and see what happens.
The problem is the violent ones (beat that policeman into the hospital) will ruin it for all. The anarchists don't seem to give a hoot about who wins or loses and that can only lead to no good.
Even though i'm pretty much a republican, i'm glad to see we can have protests like this. :)
I used to believe that if we ever had a revolution, it would be caused by racial tension or economic upheaval...

But the more I see things like that... I especially like to know that we need to be "Liberated from Republicans" (Funny, I wasnt aware I was held captive by them)

Now I am starting to believe that that next revolution could be caused by a bunch of Wacko Democrats trying to FORCE everyone to think like them.

Iv'e always believed that of the two parties, the Democrats were the more... uh... weird... but this kind of stuff makes me really really wanna see them kicked to the curb. This may just help me make my Decision who to vote for...

I'm glad to know that Republicans are unwelcome in the city of New York, and that the city has been "freed" of them.
I think that the problem is not the protests, but the fact that almost all protests bring out the loonies. You never see the normal, well-adjusted gay businessman at a gay-rights parade. You don't see regular soccer moms and middle-management types at marches to legalize marijuana; you only see the freaks and the guys that look like Willie Nelson and ZZTop. At Pro-Life rallies, you only see the idiots that burn down abortion clinics, waving pictures of fetuses around. Normal people have opinions on both sides of the fence, but only the extremists seem to march and protest. I guess everyone else simply votes or puts bumper stickers up.
"The problem with having fanatics on your side is that when the crisis is over, you still have fanatics on your side"
You know, I remember watching a recent episode of "NYPD 24/7". It involved the cops dealing with anti-war protesters. I remember in one bit, there were a bunch of protesters attacking a cop on horseback. In the middle of this scene, one protester screamed "WE WANT PEACE!!!"

Fine way of showing it.
You know, Democrats aren't the only ones who have fanatics on their sides. There are plenty of loony Republican supporters, as well. As someone's already mentioned before, the abortion-clinic bombers are just as whacked out as the crazy's just that the first is blowing up buildings, the second is out causing a scene in public. The fact that there are loony demonstrators on their side says nothing about the quality of the Democratic party as a whole.
The only problem with protesting is when the protesting interferes with someone's rights.

Inflicting damage on police or anyone else for that matter is not protesting, its assault. :p
RandomPhantom700 said:
You know, Democrats aren't the only ones who have fanatics on their sides. There are plenty of loony Republican supporters, as well. As someone's already mentioned before, the abortion-clinic bombers are just as whacked out as the crazy's just that the first is blowing up buildings, the second is out causing a scene in public. The fact that there are loony demonstrators on their side says nothing about the quality of the Democratic party as a whole.

Thats assuming, of course, that all "Pro Life" people are Republican.

I dont see a lot of republicans running Amok trying to "Free the city from Democrats!" thats for sure.

Last night, Im at a local bar having a drink, and the girl across the bar starts going off about Arnie's speech. She starts spouting the "anyone but bush" rhetoric, and I asked her why she feels that way. She said to me: "That b@$tard wants to take away every one of my rights as a woman and go to war over oil!" and I was like... "Ok. What about the rights of men?" and she looks at me and says "<Expletive Deleted> YOU. <Expletive Deleted> your rights! " and stopped talking to me.

And, sadly... that is the "typical" Democrat I meet. Not all of them, but the typical ones. You combine that with websites like the one this thread is about... the "antics" of the protesters, the actions of the Democratic leaders currently in office in my home state of Illinois... etc... and the republicans look tame by comparison.

The picture I see painted before me this November looks to my eyes like this: I have a choice... Liars and Manipulators, or whacko's and loonies.
Technopunk said:
Thats assuming, of course, that all "Pro Life" people are Republican.
Good point.

I dont see a lot of republicans running Amok trying to "Free the city from Democrats!" thats for sure.
Well, I've seen them yelling it on TV and ranting about it in pundit books. A couple pages of Michael Savage's latest made me sick to my stomach. I think the word "Demoncrats" was even somewhere in the introduction, but don't quote me on that.

Last night, Im at a local bar having a drink, and the girl across the bar starts going off about Arnie's speech. She starts spouting the "anyone but bush" rhetoric, and I asked her why she feels that way. She said to me: "That b@$tard wants to take away every one of my rights as a woman and go to war over oil!" and I was like... "Ok. What about the rights of men?" and she looks at me and says "<Expletive Deleted> YOU. <Expletive Deleted> your rights! " and stopped talking to me.

And, sadly... that is the "typical" Democrat I meet. Not all of them, but the typical ones. You combine that with websites like the one this thread is about... the "antics" of the protesters, the actions of the Democratic leaders currently in office in my home state of Illinois... etc... and the republicans look tame by comparison.
How drunk did she seem? Well, comparing personal experiences, most of the Democrats (or liberals, some haven't bothered to declare a party) that I know aren't exactly toting banners of burning elephants. Granted, I've met a few who fit the description you give, but they're not the majority. Could be that I just got out of undergrad though. :D
She said to me: "That b@$tard wants to take away every one of my rights as a woman and go to war over oil!" and I was like... "Ok. What about the rights of men?"
lol - don't you think your answer was a *little* disengenuous, and trying to get a rise out of her?

Setting the rights of women AGAINST the rights of men isn't honest to the actualities of life, or productive. Are you SURE you weren't baiting a drunk angry person? :wink2:
Feisty Mouse said:
lol - don't you think your answer was a *little* disengenuous, and trying to get a rise out of her?

Setting the rights of women AGAINST the rights of men isn't honest to the actualities of life, or productive. Are you SURE you weren't baiting a drunk angry person? :wink2:


She wasnt drunk. She was there to pick up the Bartender, to go out drinking, and on her first drink. I had been there long before her...

I was asking, what I assumed was an honest question, I wanted to know what her take on Her rights being more important than mine were.
You know, Techno, I think you hit on a great issue there. I'm all for equality. Man and woman should be at EQUAL stations in life. However, some view equal as "special". For example, more often than not, in custody disputes, custody gets awarded to women first, and men get visitation. Paternity laws can also trap men. For example, woman dates man A, who has a good career. She cheats on him with man B, who is a bum. Man B impregnates her. She isn't sure who the father is, but selects man A as the daddy. Man A is unaware of Man B, and assumes he is the father. Years later, he finds out through a paternity test that he is not the father. Child laws state that even if a man was tricked, all child support has to be paid by HIM. Do I think all women do this? No. Do I think most women do this? No. Do I know that some women do this? Hell yeah. You can go to the following sites for stories on this:

I also find it funny when someone says that women excel at some areas better than men, and vice versa, they are labeled as a misogynist. Guess what? Mentally, men and women tend to be different. Think I'm wrong? Name a few porno mags tailored to men. Now name a few tailored to women. Which list was longer?????