To Protect, Serve and Collect Revenue.

I don't know either, but I sure do see a lot of NY licence plates here. Is it possible that Ontario and Quebec asked very very nicely?
There was a little more said than I related, or even recall. But the fact was, that day they had dropped the ball. Not intending to make it sound like all cops drop the ball all the time. We can do it just like anybody else though. Discussion of that should generally be restricted to password protected sites.

Actually, for the most part I don't have a problem discussing police mistakes publicly. Some matters of investigative techniques, or other information -- yeah, that's not for public consumption. And some mistakes that amount to airing dirty laundry in public without a good reason don't need public discussion. (People don't need to know about the guy who's been written up 12 times this month for being late or who dinged a cruiser because he didn't look where he was backing, as a general rule, for example.)

Police make mistakes. I've stopped cars because I misread a sticker. I've even run red lights because I was distracted -- or watching the wrong one on a long straightaway. (It's easy at a couple of our intersections to watch the wrong light at night... And, yes, if the explanation is reasonable, I've let people of with warnings for that reason.) Enough people think we try to hide what we do; if there's not a reason, I don't have a problem sharing and discussing.
I don't know what it's like everywhere else, but contesting speeding tickets in court helped around Toronto. I haven't had given a ticket outside of Toronto. I didn't want my insurance going up so I hoped to not lose points, but both times the cops who gave me tickets didn't show up. Other times I was pulled over for speeding I got warnings. Traffic cops have been nice to me, I was just exceptionally lucky I wasn't in any accidents. I've been pulled over for speeding in Canada, US, UK and Germany, but not since I stopped speeding about 5 years ago. I really don't think police are just looking to collect revenue from out of town drivers. I've never been given a ticket for speeding while away from home. Although, I don't think I'll press my luck.

Unfortunately, there are places that really rely on the revenue from traffic tickets, and some of them do take advantage of non-local drivers in various ways. They drop the speed limit suddenly and precipitously with the barest minimum posted signs. And other tricks... The locals know and avoid the tricks -- but travelers don't. And they cite people from out of state, figuring that it's not worth it for them to take the time to come to court and fight the ticket. Did this happen to Bob? Don't know. It's possible...
I find the title funny!! "to serve and protect." traditional motto of protection rackets. but then they have a duty to protect you. Attention all, the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has ruled 5 times in the last 100 years that the police work for the prosecutors, and have NO DUTY TO PROTECT YOU! They have a duty to investigate crimes that have happened and collect evidence, and assist in the prosecution of those cases!

So if you get Protection, say thank you, you got an extra freebee.