to come our or retirement or not


White Belt
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
I am 45 yrs old and have returned back to taekwondo after 5 years of not triainning I have currently been trainning for 18 months and in the time i have passed my 2nd degree
I used to compete regularly in the United Kingdom But I retired at 36 to focus on attaining the black belt and went onto refereeing It now seems that the bug as bit me again and I am getting the urge to compete (not in nationals of course) maybe as a one off in an "executive" class within the confines of ontario
Advice plse


All I can say is if the bug has bitten you go for it.
I still compete off and on at 60+.
It is alway fun to get out there and have a go at it with friends.
If you have the bug go for it, I still compete but it is not every month, It takes time to recover when you get older.
Well it looks like im heading out of retirement and now its time to up the ante on the trainning
all advice is welcome

I came out of retirement at age 52. I say go for it!!!!!!

Start out slow and easy. Maybe get fit first at a gym and then do TKD.

But, you will find if you don't, later it will be much harder. Do it now and don't stop!!

Shootnig and the martial arts are my advocation as well as hobby. Some like golf, some like soccer, some just like to veg out (uck!)

Come on in, the water is fine.

If you enjoy doing it & you're healthy enough to do it, go for it! This is one of those things you may look back & say, man, I should have gone back & done.
I'm going to echo the support here. If you have the itch, go for it.
Go for it, bulldog! You've still got it and with your high rank and proficiency, you are sure to do very well.
Sure you should. If you feel up to it.. then go for it and best of luck.
