TKD monkeys attack their trainer.

and people say tkd doesn't work on th street :D Even monkies can do it!
"Tae Kwon Do is a deadly serious killing system."

Even Fred Simmons would never teach Tae Kwon Do to monkeys.

Read the last line of the article. Sounds like the monkeys had a really good reason to be P.O.ed.
Read the last line of the article. Sounds like the monkeys had a really good reason to be P.O.ed.

Exactly! I had a whole load of jokes I thought I'd post up but that last bit really is horrible which is why I was considering what to write. In fact the thought of performing monkeys is horrible, they get their teeth pulled out among other things.
We have a place here called Monkey World that specialises in rescuing monkeys and apes so I hope they are on the case!
Monkey World was founded by an American Jim Cronin who sadly died two years ago at only 55 but his work continues.
It is just like a monkey never giving back to the instructor....
This how "Planet of the Apes" starts out....

BTW, why is it TKD has the market cornered on monkeys? I want to see BJJ monkey... It could be like "BJJ and the Bear". ROFL ... some of you are probably too young to get that.... still made me laugh. LOL

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At one point the monkey trainer grabbed a staff to hit the monkeys, only to find himself facing a stick-brandishing monkey that cracked him over the head

"The circle is now complete. Now I am the master!"

Read the last line of the article. Sounds like the monkeys had a really good reason to be P.O.ed.

This cracked me up... and I thought WTG Monkeees!!
They were leaping and jumping all over the place. It was better than a Bruce Lee film."At one point the monkey trainer grabbed a staff to hit the monkeys, only to find himself facing a stick-brandishing monkey that cracked him over the head.
Then as Stac3y pointed out... it lost it's humor REAL QUICK!
the bastard...
Mr Hu said: "He was really furious, he made the monkeys kneel on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs to punish them and make them show remorse for their nasty attack."
These are ANIMALS not human beings and not designed to learn human SD/MA techniques... they are certainly NOT made to be tortured which is what he was doing by tying their paws (not hands) behind their backs and kneeling and beating them with the stick and "making them show remorse" which is IMPOSSIBLE for an animal to sincerely do... submissive yes but remorse as in "I'm sorry, I won't do it again"... NO!

GRRR... hate idiots like these... it's guys like these that help create shows like "when animals attack!"
All that being said, I would LOVE to see some video of those monkeys comin' up alongside that jackdonkey's head. Oops, I think some Southern just slipped out.
Monkey style got your CMA in my KMA!

No, you got your KMA in my CMA!

Two great styles that go great together!

As for the trainer, he needs to spend some time naked, covered in the baboon pen. "Make fun of my red butt now whydontcha!"


p.s. Monkeys make everything better.
dear people, monkeys are awesome. do not mess with monkeys or they will **** you up jungle style. if you teach a monkey martial arts you will get what you deserve, which is an even more severe monkey ***-beating than you already had coming. monkeys are awesome.

this public service announcement has been brought to you by jarrod.

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